Domain Name System

based on RFC1034

    |               LocalHost                         |  Foreign     |
    |                                                 |              |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+  |
    |  |         | user queries  |          |queries  |  |        |  |
    |  |  User   |-------------->|          |---------|->|        |  |
    |  | Program |               | Resolver |         |  |  Name  |  |
    |  |         |<--------------|          |<--------|--| Server |  |
    |  |         | user responses|          |responses|  |        |  |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+  |
    |                              |     A            |              |
    |              cache additions |     | references |              |
    |                              V     |            |              |
    |                            +----------+         |              |
    |                            |  Cache   |         |              |
    |                            +----------+         |              |
    UserProgram  queries and responses format is specific to LocalHost and OS
    LocalHost    implements Resolver as a subroutine to be linked in with every program that needs its services
    NameServer   either a stand alone program on dedicated machine
                          process or processes on large timeshared Host

    |               Local Host                        |  Foreign     |
    |                                                 |              |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+  |
    |  |         |               |          |responses|  |        |  |
    |  |         |               |   Name   |---------|->|        |  |
    |  |  Master |-------------->|  Server  |         |  |Resolver|  |
    |  |  Files  |               |          |<--------|--|        |  |
    |  |         |               |          | queries |  +--------+  |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |              |

    |               Local Host                        |  Foreign     |
    |                                                 |              |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+  |
    |  |         |               |          |responses|  |        |  |
    |  |         |               |   Name   |---------|->|        |  |
    |  |  Master |-------------->|  Server  |         |  |Resolver|  |
    |  |  Files  |               |          |<--------|--|        |  |
    |  |         |               |          | queries |  +--------+  |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |              |
    |                              A     |maintenance |  +--------+  |
    |                              |     +------------|->|        |  |
    |                              |      queries     |  |  Name  |  |
    |                              |                  |  | Server |  |
    |                              +------------------|--|        |  |
    |                           maintenance responses |  +--------+  |
    NameServer makes connection periodically
                                to foreign NameServer
                                using VirtualCircuit
                                checks current copy of zone has not changed
                                gets copy of zone using ZoneTransfer

    |               Local Host                        |  Foreign     |
    |                                                 |              |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+  |
    |  |         | user queries  |          |queries  |  |        |  |
    |  |  User   |-------------->|          |---------|->|        |  |
    |  | Program |               | Resolver |         |  |  Name  |  |
    |  |         |<--------------|          |<--------|--| Server |  |
    |  |         | user responses|          |responses|  |        |  |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+  |
    |                              |     A            |              |
    |              cache additions |     | references |              |
    |                              V     |            |              |
    |                            +----------+         |              |
    |                            |  Shared  |         |              |
    |                            | Database |         |              |
    |                            +----------+         |              |
    |                              A     |            |              |
    |                    refreshes |     | references |              |
    |                              |     V            |              |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+  |
    |  |         |               |          |responses|  |        |  |
    |  |         |               |   Name   |---------|->|        |  |
    |  |  Master |-------------->|  Server  |         |  |Resolver|  |
    |  |  Files  |               |          |<--------|--|        |  |
    |  |         |               |          | queries |  +--------+  |
    |  +---------+               +----------+         |              |
    |                              A     |maintenance |  +--------+  |
    |                              |     +------------|->|        |  |
    |                              |      queries     |  |  Name  |  |
    |                              |                  |  | Server |  |
    |                              +------------------|--|        |  |
    |                           maintenance responses |  +--------+  |
    SharedDatabase  has part of DomainNameSpace tree
                        authoritative data maintained by periodic refresh operations of NameServer
                        cached        data from Resolver requests
                    format is up to the implementor

    |                 Local Hosts                     |  Foreign     |
    |                                                 |              |
    |  +---------+                                    |              |
    |  |         | responses                          |              |
    |  | Stub    |<--------------------+              |              |
    |  | Resolver|                     |              |              |
    |  |         |----------------+    |              |              |
    |  +---------+ recursive      |    |              |              |
    |              queries        |    |              |              |
    |                             V    |              |              |
    |  +---------+ recursive     +----------+         |  +--------+  |
    |  |         | queries       |          |queries  |  |        |  |
    |  | Stub    |-------------->| Recursive|---------|->|        |  |
    |  | Resolver|               | Server   |         |  |  Name  |  |
    |  |         |<--------------|          |<--------|--| Server |  |
    |  +---------+ responses     |          |responses|  |        |  |
    |                            +----------+         |  +--------+  |
    |                            |  Central |         |              |
    |                            |   Cache  |         |              |
    |                            +----------+         |              |
    group of Hosts may offload other Hosts that do not implement full Resolver
                       replace Resolvers with StubResolvers
                       share small number of caches while CentralCache has higher hit ratio

UserProgram  ask Resolver about DomainName
                 using Query

Resolver    responds to Query of UserProgram
                     after reading cache data or
                           asking NameServer
            knows at least one NameServer
            discovers NameServers after receiving Response from NameServer referring to other NameServer

NameServer  responds to Query of Resolver
                     using either zone   data
                                  cached data

            zone data    has a part of DomainNameSpace tree
                         is authoritative
                         updated by NameServer
                                 using MasterFile stored locally
                                                         in another NameServer
            cached data  improves performance of data retrieval process
                         acquired by local Resolver
                         may be incomplete
                         periodically discarded using timeout mechanism

            if is unable to load    zone data from MasterFile due to errors or
                            refresh zone data using expiration parameter
               then NameServer should respond as if it did not possess that zone data

DomainNameSpace  a tree data structure
                        nodes are <label> of DomainNames
                 different parts of tree are stored in different NameServers
                 example  --------------------------------------------------------------
                          |                                                            |
                          |                              |                             |
                          |        +---------------------+------------------+          |
                          |        |                     |                  |          |
                          |       MIL                   EDU                ARPA        |
                          |        |                     |                  |          |
                          |        |                     |                  |          |
                          |  +-----+-----+               |     +------+-----+-----+    |
                          |  |     |     |               |     |      |           |    |
                          | BRL  NOSC  DARPA             |  IN-ADDR  SRI-NIC     ACC   |
                          |                              |                             |
                          |  +--------+------------------+---------------+--------+    |
                          |  |        |                  |               |        |    |
                          | UCI      MIT                 |              UDEL     YALE  |
                          |           |                 ISI                            |
                          |           |                  |                             |
                          |       +---+---+              |                             |
                          |       |       |              |                             |
                          |      LCS  ACHILLES  +--+-----+-----+--------+              |
                          |       |             |  |     |     |        |              |
                          |       XX            A  C   VAXA  VENERA Mockapetris        |
                          |                                                            |
                          the top <label> is Root
                                          is empty
                          one DomainName inside is LCS.MIT.EDU.

DomainName  syntax  <domain>      ::= <subdomain> | " "
                    <subdomain>   ::= <label> | <subdomain> "." <label>
                    <label>       ::= <letter> [ [ <ldh-str> ] <let-dig> ]
                    <ldh-str>     ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
                    <let-dig-hyp> ::= <let-dig> | "-"
                    <let-dig>     ::= <letter> | <digit>
                    <letter>      ::= any character A to Z and a to z
                    <digit>       ::= any digit 0 to 9

                    rules are not obligatory
                    use to avoid problems if old software is converted to use DomainName

                    two <domain> with same spelling but different case are treated identical
                    <label> follows rules for ARPANET HostName
                            length < 64 characters
                            starts   with letter
                            interior with letters
                            ends     with letter
                            future additions may use more characters
                                                     binary octets

                    examples for Hosts in Internet

            avoid storing in 7-bit ASCII
                          using special bytes to terminate labels
            original case should be preserved on databases
            if x.y and X.Y need to be stored
               then only one casing is stored
            data for a.x and B.X is not stored under A.x, A.X, b.x, b.X
            preserve case of first label of DomainName

HostName  name of computer inside network

          if  HostName   is myComputer4                      and
              DomainName is ISI.EDU                          and
              ISI.EDU     refers to the Gateway of a network and
              myComputer4 refers to my computer inside that network
              then myComputer4.ISI.EDU could be the DomainName of my computer

          if creating HostName then follow rules of HOSTS.TXT

Gateway  a device on a network
         sends local network traffic to other networks

BitDiagrams  data order of transmission is the order read in English
             left most bit is most significant bit

             example   0                   1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                      |       1       |       2       |
                      |       3       |       4       |
                      |       5       |       6       |

             example  representing value 170 in decimal
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
                      |1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0|

Message  +---------------------+
         |        Header       |
         |       Question      | the question for NameServer
         |        Answer       | RRs answering the question
         |      Authority      | RRs pointing toward an authority
         |      Additional     | RRs holding additional information

         Header  is always present
                                                 1  1  1  1  1  1
                   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
                 |                      ID                       |
                 |QR|   Opcode  |AA|TC|RD|RA|   Z    |   RCODE   |
                 |                    QDCOUNT                    |
                 |                    ANCOUNT                    |
                 |                    NSCOUNT                    |
                 |                    ARCOUNT                    |

                 ID       identifier
                          assigned by creator of Query
                          is copied into Response

                 QR       0 = this Message is Query
                          1 = this Message is Response

                 OPCODE   assigned by creator of Query
                          is copied into Response
                          0    = this Message is a Query               QUERY
                          1    = this Message is a InverseQuery        IQUERY
                          2    = this Message is server status request STATUS
                          3-15 = reserved for future use

                 AA       Authoritative Answer
                          valid in Response
                          1 = responding NameServer is authority for DomainName in Question
                          authority for DomainName which matches Query       DomainName in Answer
                                                                 first owner DomainName in Answer

                 TC       Truncation
                          1 = this Message length was greater than permitted on transmission channel
                          if truncating Response
                             then truncation should start at the end of Response and work forward in datagram
                                  if Authority has RR
                                     then Answer RR are unique

                 RD       Recursion Desired
                          is copied into Response
                          recursive Query support is optional
                          1 = may make NameServer receiving this Query
                                                  pursue this Query recursively
                          0 = makes NameServer receiving this Query
                                               not pursue this Query recursively

                 RA       Recursion Available
                          set or cleared in Response
                                         by NameServer
                          1 = NameServer supports recursive Query

                 Z        Reserved for future use
                          = 0 in all Query and Response

                 RCODE    Response code
                          set in Response
                          0     = no error condition
                          1     = format error
                                  NameServer was unable to interpret Query
                          2     = Server failure
                                  NameServer was unable to process Query due to problem with the server
                          3     = Name Error (NE)
                                  DomainMame in Query does not exist
                                  meaningful only for responses from authoritative NameServer
                          4     = Not Implemented
                                  NameServer does not support requested kind of Query
                          5     = Refused
                                  NameServer refuses to perform operation for policy reasons
                                  example NameServer refuses to provide information to requester
                                                                perform operation for particular data
                                                                perform zone transfer
                          6-15  = Reserved for future use

                 QDCOUNT  unsigned integer
                          number of Entrie         in Question
                 ANCOUNT  unsigned integer
                          number of RR             in Answer
                 NSCOUNT  unsigned integer
                          number of NameServer RR  in Authority
                 ARCOUNT  unsigned integer
                          number of RR             in Additional

         Question  sequence of Entrie
                   Entrie                                  1  1  1  1  1  1
                             0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
                           |                                               |
                           /                     QNAME                     /
                           /                                               /
                           |                     QTYPE                     |
                           |                     QCLASS                    |

                           QNAME   <domain-name>
                                   has no padding

                           QTYPE   type of Query
                                   all TYPEs are valid QTYPEs
                                   values  252  AXFR   request for transfer of an entire zone
                                           253  MAILB  request for mailbox related records (MB, MG or MR)
                                           254  MAILA  request for mail agent RRs (Obsolete - see MX)
                                           255  *      request for all records
                                   length = 2 octet

                           QCLASS  class of Query
                                   every CLASS is a valid QCLASS
                                   values  255  *  any class
                                   length = 2 octet
                                   if receive QCLASS=* or other QCLASS that matches multiple classes and
                                      server can't guarantee Response covers all those classes
                                      then Response should not be authoritative

         Answer     sequence of RR answering Question
         Authority  sequence of RR pointing toward authoritative NameServer
         Additional sequence of RR which relate to Query
                                         are not answers to Question
                    if composing Response and
                       RRs in Additional are duplicates of RRs in Answer or Authority
                       then those duplicate RRs may be omitted

RR  Resource Record
                                    1  1  1  1  1  1
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
    |                                               |
    /                                               /
    /                      NAME                     /
    |                                               |
    |                      TYPE                     |
    |                     CLASS                     |
    |                      TTL                      |
    |                                               |
    |                   RDLENGTH                    |
    /                     RDATA                     /
    /                                               /

    NAME      name of node to which this RR pertains

    TYPE      are a subset of QTYPEs
              values  1   A      HostAddress
                      2   NS     authoritative NameServer
                      3   MD     mail destination  (Obsolete, use MX)
                      4   MF     mail forwarder    (Obsolete, use MX)
                      5   CNAME  canonical name for an alias
                      6   SOA    marks the start of a zone of authority
                      7   MB     mailbox DomainName      (EXPERIMENTAL)
                      8   MG     mail group member       (EXPERIMENTAL)
                      9   MR     mail rename DomainName  (EXPERIMENTAL)
                      10  NULL   null RR                 (EXPERIMENTAL)
                      11  WKS    well known service description
                      12  PTR    DomainName pointer
                      13  HINFO  Host information
                      14  MINFO  mailbox or mail list information
                      15  MX     mail exchange
                      16  TXT    text strings
              length = 2 octets

    CLASS     values  1  IN  the Internet
                      2  CS  the CSNET class (Obsolete)
                      3  CH  the CHAOS class
                      4  HS  Hesiod [Dyer 87]
              length = 2 octets
              may not indicate protocol family used to communicate with Host
              example  Hosts that are NameServers for IN or HS
                             may be queried using IN protocols

    TTL       seconds this RR may be cached before source information is consulted again
              unsigned integer
              < 2^31
              = 0 if TYPE = SOA
              length = 32 bit
              if = 0 then this RR should not be cached
                                  used for transaction in progress
                                           extremely volatile data
              if RR is sent in Response
                 then TTL of RR in zone data
                          is set to maximum between TTL     of that RR
                                                    MINIMUM of that RR

    RDLENGTH  octet length of RDATA
              unsigned integer
              length = 16bit

    RDATA     string describing resource
              format depends on TYPE and CLASS
              example if TYPE=A and CLASS=IN
                         then RDATA has 4 octet ARPA InternetAddress
              DomainNames may be compressed

              CNAME  Standard RR
                     /                     CNAME                     /
                     /                                               /
                     canonical or primary name for owner
                     owner name is an alias
                     causes no additional section processing
                     NameServer may restart Query at the canonical name
                     more details in RFC1034 NameServer logic

              HINFO  Standard RR
                     /                      CPU                      /
                     /                       OS                      /
                     CPU  <character-string>
                          central processing unit type
                          standard values in RFC1010
                     OS   <character-string>
                          operating system type
                          standard values in RFC1010
                     used to acquire general information about Host
                          by FTP if talking between machines or operating systems of same type

              MB  Standard RR
                  (EXPERIMENTAL)  +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
                                  /                   MADNAME                     /
                                  /                                               /
                                  MADNAME  <domain-name> of Host that has mailbox
                                  causes lookup for A type RRs corresponding to MADNAME

                  (Obsolete)      +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
                                  /                   MADNAME                     /
                                  /                                               /
                                  MADNAME  <domain-name> of Host that has mail agent that delivers mail for domain
                                  causes lookup for A type RRs corresponding to MADNAME
                                  more details in MX and RFC974
                                  if found in MasterFiles
                                     then should reject MB
                                                 convert to MX 0

              MF  Standard RR
                  (Obsolete)  +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
                              /                   MADNAME                     /
                              /                                               /
                              MADNAME  <domain-name> of Host that has mail agent that forwards mail to domain
                              causes lookup for A type record corresponding to MADNAME
                              more details in MX and RFC974
                              if found in MasterFiles
                                 then should reject MB
                                             convert to MX 10

              MG  Standard RR
                  (EXPERIMENTAL)  +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
                                  /                   MGMNAME                     /
                                  /                                               /
                                  MGMNAME  <domain-name> of mailbox
                                           member of mail group of this DomainName
                  causes no additional section processing

              MINFO  Standard RR
                     (EXPERIMENTAL)  +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
                                     /                    RMAILBX                    /
                                     /                    EMAILBX                    /

                                     RMAILBX  <domain-name> of mailbox
                                              person responsible for mailing list or mailbox
                                              used for requests to be added to a mail group
                                              if RMAILBX = Root then owner of MINFO is responsible for itself

                                     EMAILBX  <domain-name> of mailbox
                                              receives error messages of mailing list or mailbox
                                              specified by owner of MINFO
                                              if EMAILBX = Root then errors should be returned to sender

                     causes no additional section processing
                     may be associated with simple mailbox
                            used with mailing list

              MR  Standard RR
                  (EXPERIMENTAL)  +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
                                  /                   NEWNAME                     /
                                  /                                               /

                                  NEWNAME  <domain-name>
                                           has new name of mailbox

                  causes no additional section processing
                  use for forwarding entry for user who has moved to different mailbox

              MX  Standard RR
                  |                  PREFERENCE                   |
                  /                   EXCHANGE                    /
                  /                                               /

                  PREFERENCE  16bit integer
                              preference given to this RR among others at the same owner
                              lower values are preferred
                  EXCHANGE    <domain-name> of Host acting as mail exchange for the owner name

                  causes type A additional section processing for the Host specified by EXCHANGE
                  more detail in RFC974

              NULL  Standard RR
                    (EXPERIMENTAL)  +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
                                    /                  <anything>                   /
                                    /                                               /
                                    has any data
                                    length < 65536 octets

                    causes no additional section processing
                    not allowed in MasterFiles
                    used as placeholders in experimental extensions of DNS

              NS  Standard RR
                  /                   NSDNAME                     /
                  /                                               /
                  NSDNAME  <domain-name> of Host that should be authoritative for this RR CLASS and domain
                                                             have zone starting at owner name of this RR CLASS

                  causes additional section processing to search type A record
                  if used in referral
                     then causes search of zone in which they reside for glue information

              PTR  Standard RR
                   /                   PTRDNAME                    /
                   PTRDNAME  <domain-name>
                             points to location in DomainNameSpace

                   causes no additional section processing
                   don't imply any special processing similar to that performed by CNAME

              SOA  Standard RR
                   /                     MNAME                     /
                   /                                               /
                   /                     RNAME                     /
                   |                    SERIAL                     |
                   |                                               |
                   |                    REFRESH                    |
                   |                                               |
                   |                     RETRY                     |
                   |                                               |
                   |                    EXPIRE                     |
                   |                                               |
                   |                    MINIMUM                    |
                   |                                               |

                   MNAME    <domain-name> of NameServer
                            original or primary source of data for this zone

                   RNAME    <domain-name> of mailbox
                            person responsible for this zone

                   SERIAL   unsigned integer
                            version number of original copy of zone
                            value wraps
                            is preserved in zone transfers
                            should be compared using sequence space arithmetic
                            length = 32bit

                   REFRESH  seconds before zone should be refreshed
                            length = 32bit

                   RETRY    seconds before failed refresh should be retried
                            length = 32bit

                   EXPIRE   seconds upper limit before zone is no longer authoritative
                            length = 32bit

                   MINIMUM  unsigned integer
                            minimum TTL that should be exported with any RR from this zone
                            used in all Query operations that retrieve RRs from zone
                            length = 32bit

                   causes no additional section processing

              TXT  Standard RR
                   /                   TXT-DATA                    /
                   TXT-DATA  one or more <character-string>
                   used to hold descriptive text
                   semantics depends on domain

              A  specific for Internet
                 |                    ADDRESS                    |
                 ADDRESS  InternetAddress
                          length = 32bit
                 Hosts with multiple InternetAddress have multiple A records
                 causes no additional section processing
                 RDATA of A line in MasterFile is an InternetAddress
                 InternetAddress  four decimal numbers separated by dots without any imbedded spaces

              WKS  specific for Internet
                   |                    ADDRESS                    |
                   |       PROTOCOL        |                       |
                   +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+                       |
                   |                                               |
                   /                   <BIT MAP>                   /
                   /                                               /
                   ADDRESS    InternetAddress
                              length = 32bit
                   PROTOCOL   IP protocol number
                              length = 8bit
                   <BIT MAP>  one bit per port of protocol
                              first  bit is port 0
                              second bit is port 1 ... etc
                              if does not include bit for protocol of interest
                                 then that bit = 0
                              length = multiple of 8bits
                   well known services supported by protocol on internet address
                   provides availability information for servers using TCP and UDP
                   causes no additional section processing
                   values and mnemonics for ports and protocols are in RFC1010

                   if PROTOCOL = TCP (6)
                      then 26th bit is TCP port 25 (SMTP)
                                    if this bit is     set  then SMTP server should be listening on TCP port 25
                                    if this bit is not set  then SMTP service is not supported on ADDRESS

                   if server supports both TCP and UDP or
                             has multiple InternetAddress
                      then multiple WKS are used

                   in MasterFiles ports and protocols are expressed using mnemonics or decimal numbers

<domain-name>  should follow DomainName syntax
               sequence of Label
               Label is a lengthField followed by that number of octets
                     case-insensitive to NameServers
                     lengthField value  < 64 octet
                                 length = 1  octet
               ends with Label Root
                               lengthField = 0
               length < 256 octet

<character-string> has binary information
                   one LengthOctet followed by that number of octets
                   LengthOctet length = 1 octet
                   length <= 256 characters
                          includes LengthOctet

compression  eliminates repeated DomainNames
             length of compressed data is used in length calculation in Message

             Pointer  +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
                      | 1  1|                OFFSET                   |
                      length = 2 octet
                      first two bits allows pointer to be distinguished from Label
                      OFFSET  offset from start of message
                              in octets
                      only used on DomainName if format is not CLASS specific
                      writing it may not be supported
                      reading it must    be supported

             example  datagram needs DomainNames  F.ISI.ARPA
                      representation     +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
                                      20 |           1           |           F           |
                                      22 |           3           |           I           |
                                      24 |           S           |           I           |
                                      26 |           4           |           A           |
                                      28 |           R           |           P           |
                                      30 |           A           |           0           |

                                      40 |           3           |           F           |
                                      42 |           O           |           O           |
                                      44 | 1  1|                20                       |

                                      64 | 1  1|                26                       |

                                      92 |           0           |                       |

                                      F.ISI.ARPA      starts at offset 20
                                      FOO.F.ISI.ARPA  starts at offset 40
                                      offset 44       has pointer to F.ISI.ARPA
                                      ARPA            is at offset 64
                                      offset 64       has pointer to ARPA of F.ISI.ARPA
                                      Root            is at offset 92

transport over UDP  RFC768
                    use port 53
                    length <= 512 bytes
                           does not count IP or UDP headers
                    if > 512 bytes then Header TC bit is set
                    not used for zone transfers
                    Query may be lost
                          retransmission strategy is required
                          responses may be reordered by network
                                                        processing in NameServer
                    client should try other servers before retrying Query on same server
                           retry interval should minimum 2-5 seconds

              TCP  RFC793
                   use port 53
                   begins with lengthField
                   lengthField  length 2byte
                                number of bytes that follow
                                allows assembling complete message before beginning to parse it

                   server should not block other activities waiting for TCP data
                                 support multiple connections
                                 assume client will initiate connection closing
                                 delay closing its end of connection
                                               until all outstanding client requests are satisfied
                                 allow SOA and AXFR request sequence on single TCP connection
                          may use unilateral close or reset instead of graceful close
                          if needs to close dormant connection
                             then waits two minutes to close it

MasterFile  used to define zone
                    lists cache contents
            format is a sequence of Entry
            Entry  predominantly line oriented
                   can use parentheses to continue list of items across line boundary
                   text literals can have CRLF
                   items can be separated by any combination of tabs and spaces
                   lines  <blank>[<comment>]
                          $ORIGIN <domain-name> [<comment>]
                          $INCLUDE <file-name> [<domain-name>] [<comment>]
                          <domain-name><rr> [<comment>]
                          <blank><rr> [<comment>]

            <comment>   starts with ;(semicolon)
            [<comment>] means  may have <comment>

            $ORIGIN   resets current origin for relative <domain-name> to stated <domain-name>
            $INCLUDE  inserts <file-name> into current file
                      <domain-name> sets relative DomainName origin for <file-name>
                      never changes relative origin of parent file

            <rr>  represent RR
                  if <blank><rr>       then RR is owned by last stated owner
                  if <domain-name><rr> then RR owner name is reset
                  = [<TTL>] [<class>] <type> <RDATA>
                  = [<class>] [<TTL>] <type> <RDATA>

                  <class>  uses standard mnemonics
                           mnemonics are disjoint
                           parse is unique
                  <type>   uses standard mnemonics
                           mnemonics are disjoint
                           parse is unique
                  <TTL>    decimal integer
                  omitted <class> and <TTL> values are default to last explicitly stated values

            <domain-name>  character strings
                           labels are separated by dots
                           arbitrary characters can be stored using quoting conventions
                           if        end in dot then is absolute DomainName and taken as complete
                           if do not end in dot then is relative DomainName
                           if making relative DomainName into absolute DomainName
                              then concatenat relative part with origin part in $ORIGIN  or
                                                                                $INCLUDE or
                                                                                argument to MasterFile loading routine
                           if is relative DomainName and no origin is available then error

            <character-string>  either - contiguous set of characters
                                         no interior spaces
                                       - string begining with " and ending with "
                                         inside ""  any character can occur
                                                    " must be quoted using \ (back slash)
            encodings        of root

                       @     denotes current origin

                       \X    X is any character other than digit(0-9)
                             used to quote X so that its special meaning does not apply
                             example  \. can be used to place . in label

                       \DDD  D is a digit
                             DDD is a decimal number
                                 an octet
                                 assumed to be text
                                 has no special meaning

                       ( )   used to group data that crosses a line boundary
                             line terminations are not recognized within parentheses

                       ;     remainder of line is ignored

            if used to load zone and errors are encountered
               then stop loading
            if used to load zone
               then all RRs should have same CLASS
                    one SOA RR should be present at top of zone
                    if delegations are present and
                       glue information is required
                       then glue information should be present
                    zone information outside of authoritative nodes should be glue information
                                                                           not be result of an origin error or similar error
            example  defines ISI.EDU zone
                     is loaded with an origin of ISI.EDU
                     \ character in SOA RR specifies responsible person mailbox ""

                     file  ---------------------------------------------------
                           |@   IN  SOA     VENERA      Action\.domains (    |
                           |                                 20     ; SERIAL |
                           |                                 7200   ; REFRESH|
                           |                                 600    ; RETRY  |
                           |                                 3600000; EXPIRE |
                           |                                 60)    ; MINIMUM|
                           |                                                 |
                           |        NS      A.ISI.EDU.                       |
                           |        NS      VENERA                           |
                           |        NS      VAXA                             |
                           |        MX      10      VENERA                   |
                           |        MX      20      VAXA                     |
                           |                                                 |
                           |A       A                       |
                           |                                                 |
                           |VENERA  A                        |
                           |        A                       |
                           |                                                 |
                           |VAXA    A                        |
                           |        A                       |
                           |                                                 |
                           |                                                 |
                           |$INCLUDE <SUBSYS>ISI-MAILBOXES.TXT               |

                     <SUBSYS>ISI-MAILBOXES.TXT  -----------------------------
                                                | MOE     MB      A.ISI.EDU.|
                                                | LARRY   MB      A.ISI.EDU.|
                                                | CURLEY  MB      A.ISI.EDU.|
                                                | STOOGES MG      MOE       |
                                                |         MG      LARRY     |
                                                |         MG      CURLEY    |

NameServer  does not block UDP requests while waiting for TCP data
            may serialize requests from single client
                regard identical requests from same client as duplicates
            should not delay requests if reloading zone from MasterFiles or
                                         adding refreshed zone into database
            Database  may have any structure
                      suggested  DataStructure1  named "catalog"
                                                 lists zones available to server
                                                 a tree structure that points to places in "zones"
                                                 use to find nearest ancestor of zone
                                                 may have parameters to control zone refreshing activities
                                                 saved across system crashes
                                 DataStructure2  named "zones"
                                                 a tree structure that has RRs
                                                 saved across system crashes
                                 DataStructure3  for cached data or separate caches for different classes
                                                 a tree structure that has RRs
                                                 saved across system crashes
                                 tree node has  all ASCII characters in a single case
                                                bit mask defining characters case
                                           uses LinkedList if branching factor is small
                                                HashTable  if branching factor is big
                      if zone is refreshed then Response should not combine old-new zone data
                      authoritative data takes precedence over cached data
                      data errors in zone can't corrupt another zone
                      cache corruption is discarded without corrupting zone data
                      if sending zone via AXFR and
                         during transfer a new zone version is created
                         then should continue sending old version
                                     if completion is not possible
                                        then reset connection

            Time  RRs in zones   use RelativeTime
                  refresh timers use AbsoluteTime
                  cache data     use AbsoluteTime
                  RelativeTime   is the seconds left until somethig happens
                  AbsoluteTime   is at what time will somethig happen
                                 converted to RelativeTime if placed in Response
                                 if conversion results in negative number
                                    then data is expired and ignored

            InverseQuery  example  Query        maps         DomainName   to  HostAddress
                                   InverseQuery maps         HostAddress  to  DomainNames
                                                does not map HostAddress  to  HostNames
                          useful for database management and debugging activities

                          InvertedDatabase  used by NameServer to support InverseQuery
                                            one for each zone
                                            structure according to search key
                                            future versions of DNS may support transfers of InvertedDatabase

                          case-insensitive  example  get same Response for InverseQuery MX    RR ""
                                                                           InverseQuery MX    RR "VENERA.ISI.EDU"
                                                     get same Response for InverseQuery HINFO RR "IBM-PC UNIX"
                                                                           InverseQuery HINFO RR "IBM-pc unix"
                                            not guaranteed because NameServers may have unknown character in string in RR

                          request   Answer   has one RR
                                    Question has nothing
                                    owner name is ignored
                                    TTL        is ignored

                          Response  Question has zero or more DomainName
                                                 all DomainNames known to NameServer
                                    Answer owner name matches RR found at the first QNAME
                                           TTL        matches RR found at the first QNAME
                                    RR cannot be cached using same mechanism of Query
                                    if NameServer does not support InverseQuery
                                       then Response has "Not Implemented" error in Header

                          example  request              +-----------------------------------------+
                                              Header    |          OPCODE=IQUERY, ID=997          |
                                             Question   |                 <empty>                 |
                                              Answer    |        <anyname> A IN         |
                                             Authority  |                 <empty>                 |
                                            Additional  |                 <empty>                 |
                                            asks for Question whose Answer is Internet style address
                                            may use Root to minimize length

                                   Response              +-----------------------------------------+
                                               Header    |         OPCODE=RESPONSE, ID=997         |
                                              Question   |QTYPE=A, QCLASS=IN, QNAME=VENERA.ISI.EDU |
                                               Answer    |  VENERA.ISI.EDU  A IN         |
                                              Authority  |                 <empty>                 |
                                             Additional  |                 <empty>                 |
                                             QTYPE is equal to TYPE in Answer of request

                          optional completion services RFC882 and RFC883
                                                       have been deleted
                                                       redesigns may become available in the future

Resolver  is able to multiplex multiple requests

          steps  receives Query from UserProgram
                 use Query to create Block
                 creates Query to send to NameServer
                               may revise CNAME
                 NameServer is selected from SLIST

                 if no HostAddress available from SLIST and
                    SLIST NameServers are used to look up their own HostAddress
                    then search next ancestor zone or Root in SLIST

                 if NameServer response takes too long and causes timeout
                    then either send UserProgram a temporary error
                                ask another NameServer
                 NameServer response timeout should be 50-100% > average predicted value

                 if receive some error from NameServer or
                    NameServer has no current copy of zone
                    then remove NameServer from SLIST
                         ask another NameServer

                 if receive NameServer response
                    then check RR correct format
                               TTL < 1 week
                               it is not a Query
                               if it has something wrong then discard response
                         match it to original Query of UserProgram
                               using ID of Header
                         check Question has information desired
                         watchout NameServer response may come from different HostAddress
                         may cache response to use for other UserProgram request

          Block  timestamp  time request began
                            used to decide if RRs in database can be used or are out of date
                            uses AbsoluteTime
                            format is superior to using a current time
                                   allows RR with TTL=0 to be entered in cache
                                                              used by current request even after intervals of many seconds
                 counter to limit work on single request
                         set to some initial value
                         if Resolver acts on request
                            then counter is decremented
                         if counter < 0
                            then request is terminated with temporary error
                         if Resolver allows request to start other request in parallel
                            then counter of started request < counter of parent request
                                 prevent circular references in database
                                         chain reaction of Resolver activity
                 SLIST RFC1034
                       data structure
                       keeps track of state of request to NameServers

          SLIST  list of NS RR
                 nearest ancestor zone Resolver knows
                 initialize  with default list of NS
                             list filled by getting data using request
                             get HostAddress of NameServers
                             get reponse times of HostAddress
                                               5-10 seconds should be worst case
                             reinitialize if delegation

          cache  if received Response has RRs have same type and owner name
                    then cache all or none
                 if received Response is truncated and
                    resolver doesn't know the continuation
                    then do not cache
                 if selecting between cached data or authoritative data
                    then select authoritative data and delete cached data
                 if Query QNAME has "*" and
                    received Response is used to construct wildcard
                    then do not cache data of Response
                 if received Response has RR data other than requested
                    then do not cache data of Response
                 sanity checks on packet are performed before caching it
                 if received Response     has RRs for DomainName
                    then if cache already has RRs for DomainName
                            then either replace old cache data with Response data
                                        leave chache as it is
                                 authoritative data in Response is preferred for caching

Mail  MailboxName <local-part>@<mail-domain>
      if creating Mail name then follow rules of RFC822
      mapping MailboxName into DomainName
              dots or other special characters use backslash quoting
                 into  Action\.domains.ISI.EDU

      do     map MailboxName to DomainName to InternetAddress
      do not map MailboxName               to InternetAddress

      MailExchangeBinding  RFC974
                           uses <mail-domain> to determine where mail should be sent
                                              as DomainName to find MX RRs
                           uses MX RRs to list Hosts willing to accept mail for <mail-domain>
                                          rank Hosts in order prefered by administrators of <mail-domain>
                           example  start with Mockapetris@ISI.EDU
                                    <mail-domain> is ISI.EDU
                                    lookup MX RRs of ISI.EDU
                                           returns VENERA.ISI.EDU
                                    send Query with A to get HostAddress

      MailboxBinding  experimental
                      still under development
                      steps  mailer maps MailboxName into DomainName
                             DomainName is the QNAME in MAILB of Query
                             mailer sends Query
                             may return  name error if use of MailboxBinding is universal
                                                       then this error means specified mailbox doesn't exist as DomainName
                                                    if use of MailboxBinding is not universal
                                                       then this error means organization identified by global part
                                                                                          does not support MailboxBinding
                                                            revert to MailExchangeBinding
                             may return  Mail Rename (MR) RR
                                         carring new mailbox specification in RDATA
                                         then mailer should replace old mailbox with new one and retry operation

                             may return  mailbox domain name (MB) RR
                                         DomainName for Host in RDATA
                                         then mailer should deliver message to that Host via protocol applicable, e.g., b,SMTP

                             may return  one or more Mail Group (MG) RRs
                                         meaning mailbox was actually mailing list or mail group rather than single mailbox
                                         RDATA has mailbox that is member of group
                                         mailer should deliver copy of message to each member

                             may return  (MB) RR and one or more (MG) RRs
                                         which means mailbox is a mailing list
                                         then mailer either delivers message to Host in (MB) RR then Host does delivery to all members
                                                            uses (MG) RRs to do the expansion itself

IN-ADDR.ARPA  special DomainName in Internet
              used to map InternetAddress to Host DomainName
                      find InternetAddress of Gateway
              returned data may be inconsistent

              DomainNames  can have up to four Labeel in addition to IN-ADDR.ARPA suffix

                           Labeel character string
                                  represents one octet of InternetAddress
                                  leading zeros omitted except zero octet which is one zero

                           Labeels of InternetAddress are in reverse order

                                    data of InternetAddress is at DomainName

              zones are exactly one Network of address space
                    example 10.IN-ADDR.ARPA can be zone containing data for ARPANET
                            26.IN-ADDR.ARPA can be zone containing data for MILNET

              example database  10.IN-ADDR.ARPA.          PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU.
                                10.IN-ADDR.ARPA.          PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU.
                                18.IN-ADDR.ARPA.          PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU.
                                26.IN-ADDR.ARPA.          PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU.
                         PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU.
                        PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU.
                         PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU.
                         PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU.
                        PTR A.ISI.EDU.
                          PTR MULTICS.MIT.EDU.

                                here ISI Gateway with Network 10                 has Host DomainName MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU
                                     MIT Gateway with InternetAddress  has Host DomainName GW.LCS.MIT.EDU

                                if using database to initialize routing tables
                                   then start with enough Gateway data to access appropriate NameServer

              if UserProgram wants to find Gateways on Network 10
                 then send    Query  QTYPE=PTR, QCLASS=IN, QNAME=10.IN-ADDR.ARPA.
                      receive RR     10.IN-ADDR.ARPA.  PTR MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU.
                              RR     10.IN-ADDR.ARPA.  PTR GW.LCS.MIT.EDU.
                      send    Query  QTYPE=A, QCLASS=IN for MILNET-GW.ISI.EDU.
                              to discover InternetAddress of Gateways

              if Resolver wants to find Host DomainName of InternetAddress
                 then send     Query  QTYPE=PTR, QCLASS=IN, QNAME=
                      receive  RR  PTR MULTICS.MIT.EDU.

              if one Gateway has 2 DomainName
                 then only one can be primary

              Gateway data doesn't replace the information from GGP or EGP

Defining new TYPE, CLASS, special namespaces

    NAMEDROPPERS@SRI-NIC.ARPA  a mailing list
                               forum discussing general design issues

    new TYPE  created if new information is to be added to database about existing object
                         new data formats for new object
              RDATA designed to be generally applicable to all CLASS
                                avoid duplication of information
              needs mnemonics for MasterFiles
              multiple TYPE are not stored in one RDATA of RR
              multiple RR TYPE should not be used to create an ordering between entries
                                                     express different formats for equivalent bindings

    new CLASS is created if DNS is used in new protocol and
                            requires new class-specific data formats
                         if copy of existing DomainNameSpace is desired but separate management domain is necessary
              needs mnemonics for MasterFiles

    MasterFiles format requires disjoint mnemonics for new TYPE or CLASS

SCENARIO  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
          |                                                                           |
          |                                                                           |
          |                                |(C.ISI.EDU,SRI-NIC.ARPA A.ISI.EDU)        |
          |          +---------------------+------------------+                       |
          |          |                     |                  |                       |
          |         MIL                   EDU                ARPA                     |
          |          |(SRI-NIC.ARPA,       |(SRI-NIC.ARPA,    |                       |
          |          | A.ISI.EDU)          | C.ISI.EDU)       |                       |
          |    +-----+-----+               |     +------+-----+-----+                 |
          |    |     |     |               |     |      |           |                 |
          |   BRL  NOSC  DARPA             |  IN-ADDR  SRI-NIC     ACC                |
          |                                |                                          |
          |    +--------+------------------+---------------+--------+                 |
          |    |        |                  |               |        |                 |
          |   UCI      MIT                 |              UDEL     YALE               |
          |             |(XX.LCS.MIT.EDU, ISI                                         |
          |             |ACHILLES.MIT.EDU) |(VAXA.ISI.EDU,VENERA.ISI.EDU,A.ISI.EDU)   |
          |         +---+---+              |                                          |
          |         |       |              |                                          |
          |        LCS   ACHILLES +--+-----+-----+--------+                           |
          |         |             |  |     |     |        |                           |
          |         XX            A  C   VAXA  VENERA Mockapetris                     |
          |                                                                           |

          NameServers are in parentheses
                      are authoritative
                      control nodes where they are located
          Root NameServers are C.ISI.EDU
          MIL domain is served by SRI-NIC.ARPA
          EDU domain is served by SRI-NIC.ARPA
          C.ISI.EDU has contiguous   zones at Root and EDU
          A.ISI.EDU has contiguous   zones at Root and MIL
                        nocontiguous zone  at ISI.EDU

          C.ISI.EDU  NameServer  for Root of CLASS IN
                                     MIL  of CLASS IN
                                     EDU  of CLASS IN

                                 zone data for Root
                                           |.       IN      SOA     SRI-NIC.ARPA. HOSTMASTER.SRI-NIC.ARPA. (|
                                           |                        870611          ;serial                 |
                                           |                        1800            ;refresh every 30 min   |
                                           |                        300             ;retry every 5 min      |
                                           |                        604800          ;expire after a week    |
                                           |                        86400)          ;minimum of a day       |
                                           |                NS      A.ISI.EDU.                              |
                                           |                NS      C.ISI.EDU.                              |
                                           |                NS      SRI-NIC.ARPA.                           |
                                           |                                                                |
                                           |MIL.    86400   NS      SRI-NIC.ARPA.                           |
                                           |        86400   NS      A.ISI.EDU.                              |
                                           |                                                                |
                                           |EDU.    86400   NS      SRI-NIC.ARPA.                           |
                                           |        86400   NS      C.ISI.EDU.                              |
                                           |                                                                |
                                           |SRI-NIC.ARPA.   A                               |
                                           |                A                               |
                                           |                MX      0 SRI-NIC.ARPA.                         |
                                           |                HINFO   DEC-2060 TOPS20                         |
                                           |                                                                |
                                           |ACC.ARPA.       A                               |
                                           |                HINFO   PDP-11/70 UNIX                          |
                                           |                MX      10 ACC.ARPA.                            |
                                           |                                                                |
                                           |USC-ISIC.ARPA.  CNAME   C.ISI.EDU.                              |
                                           |                                                                |
                                           |  PTR    SRI-NIC.ARPA.                   |
                                           |  PTR    ACC.ARPA.                       |
                                           |  PTR    SRI-NIC.ARPA.                   |
                                           |  PTR    C.ISI.EDU.                      |
                                           | PTR    A.ISI.EDU.                      |
                                           |                                                                |
                                           |A.ISI.EDU. 86400 A                              |
                                           |C.ISI.EDU. 86400 A                               |
                                           as it would be in MasterFile
                                           all RR must be same CLASS
                                           only first RR needs specify CLASS
                                           loading zone applies MINIMUM=86400 in SOA to all authoritative RR
                                           NS   RRs marking delegation of MIL and EDU  are not authoritative data
                                           glue RRs for servers host InternetAddresses are not authoritative data
                                           data that is not authoritative has explicit TTL
                                           4 RRs are attached to Root
                                                 SOA describes Root
                                                               management of zone data
                                                 NS are Root NameServers
                                           maintained on host SRI-NIC.ARPA
                                           responsible party is HOSTMASTER@SRI-NIC.ARPA
                                           NS RRs for MIL EDU mark boundary between Root zone and MIL EDU zones
                                           root zone and lower zones are supported by same NameServers
                                           MasterFile for EDU zone may be stated relative to origin EDU

                                 zone data for EDU
                                           |EDU.  IN SOA SRI-NIC.ARPA. HOSTMASTER.SRI-NIC.ARPA. ( |
                                           |                        870729 ;serial                |
                                           |                        1800 ;refresh every 30 minutes|
                                           |                        300 ;retry every 5 minutes    |
                                           |                        604800 ;expire after a week   |
                                           |                        86400 ;minimum of a day       |
                                           |                        )                             |
                                           |                NS SRI-NIC.ARPA.                      |
                                           |                NS C.ISI.EDU.                         |
                                           |                                                      |
                                           |UCI 172800 NS ICS.UCI                                 |
                                           |    172800 NS ROME.UCI                                |
                                           |ICS.UCI  172800 A                          |
                                           |ROME.UCI 172800 A                         |
                                           |ISI 172800 NS VAXA.ISI                                |
                                           |    172800 NS A.ISI                                   |
                                           |    172800 NS VENERA.ISI.EDU.                         |
                                           |VAXA.ISI 172800 A                           |
                                           |         172800 A                          |
                                           |VENERA.ISI.EDU. 172800 A                    |
                                           |                172800 A                   |
                                           |A.ISI 172800 A                             |
                                           |                                                      |
                                           |UDEL.EDU.  172800 NS LOUIE.UDEL.EDU.                  |
                                           |           172800 NS UMN-REI-UC.ARPA.                 |
                                           |LOUIE.UDEL.EDU. 172800 A                    |
                                           |                172800 A                   |
                                           |                                                      |
                                           |YALE.EDU.  172800 NS YALE.ARPA.                       |
                                           |YALE.EDU.  172800 NS YALE-BULLDOG.ARPA.               |
                                           |                                                      |
                                           |MIT.EDU.  43200 NS XX.LCS.MIT.EDU.                    |
                                           |          43200 NS ACHILLES.MIT.EDU.                  |
                                           |XX.LCS.MIT.EDU.   43200 A                   |
                                           |ACHILLES.MIT.EDU. 43200 A                   |
                                           owner name of ISI.EDU. is using relative name
                                           ISI.EDU two RRs       are using relative name
                                           relative and absolute DomainName may be intermixed

          Query             +---------------------------------------------------+
                 Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY                                     |
                 Question   | QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=A           |
                 Answer     | <empty>                                           |
                 Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                 Additional | <empty>                                           |

          response  from NameServer C.ISI.EDU
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA                       |
                    Question   | QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=A           |
                    Answer     | SRI-NIC.ARPA. 86400 IN A                |
                               |               86400 IN A                |
                    Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                    Additional | <empty>                                           |
                    RESPONSE bit is set
                    AA       bit is set
                    Question of response matches Question of Query

          response  from NameServer not authoritative for SRI-NIC.ARPA
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY,RESPONSE                            |
                    Question   | QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=A           |
                    Answer     | SRI-NIC.ARPA. 1777 IN A                 |
                               |               1777 IN A                 |
                    Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                    Additional | <empty>                                           |
                    AA bit is not set
                    data did not come from zone  data
                    data did     come from cache data
                    authoritative TTLs in zone  data tend to be bigger than
                    authoritative TTLs in cache data
                    Answer RRs ordering is not significant

          Query             +---------------------------------------------------+
                 Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY                                     |
                 Question   | QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=*           |
                 Answer     | <empty>                                           |
                 Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                 Additional | <empty>                                           |

          response  from NameServer C.ISI.EDU
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA                       |
                    Question   | QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=*           |
                    Answer     | SRI-NIC.ARPA. 86400 IN  A           |
                               |                         A           |
                               |                         MX    0 SRI-NIC.ARPA.     |
                               |                         HINFO DEC-2060 TOPS20     |
                    Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                    Additional | <empty>                                           |

          response  from NameServerA not authoritative for SRI-NIC.ARPA
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE                           |
                    Question   | QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=*           |
                    Answer     | SRI-NIC.ARPA. 12345 IN     A      |
                               |                            A      |
                    Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                    Additional | <empty>                                           |
          response  from NameServerB not authoritative for SRI-NIC.ARPA
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE                           |
                    Question   | QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=*           |
                    Answer     | SRI-NIC.ARPA. 1290 IN HINFO  DEC-2060 TOPS20      |
                    Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                    Additional | <empty>                                           |
          NameServerA and NameServerB response contents and TTLs suggest cached data at different times
          NameServerA cached response to QTYPE=A Query
          NameServerB cached response to HINFO   Query

          Query     QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA  QTYPE=MX
                    from mailer aking routing information for HOSTMASTER@SRI-NIC.ARPA
          response  from NameServer C.ISI.EDU
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA                       |
                    Question   | QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=MX          |
                    Answer     | SRI-NIC.ARPA. 86400 IN     MX      0 SRI-NIC.ARPA.|
                    Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                    Additional | SRI-NIC.ARPA. 86400 IN     A      |
                               |                            A      |
                    Additional has A because it may be needed to properly use MX

          Query     QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA  QTYPE=NS
          response  from NameServer C.ISI.EDU
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA                       |
                    Question   | QNAME=SRI-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=NS          |
                    Answer     | <empty>                                           |
                    Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                    Additional | <empty>                                           |
                    only difference to Query is AA
                    SRI-NIC.ARPA exists but no RRs of type NS exist

          Query     QNAME=SIR-NIC.ARPA  QTYPE=A
                    mistyped SRI-NIC.ARPA
          response  from NameServer C.ISI.EDU
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA, RCODE=NE             |
                    Question   | QNAME=SIR-NIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=A           |
                    Answer     | <empty>                                           |
                    Authority  | . SOA SRI-NIC.ARPA. HOSTMASTER.SRI-NIC.ARPA.      |
                               |       870611 1800 300 604800 86400                |
                    Additional | <empty>                                           |
                    RCODE=NE means that SIR-NIC.ARPA does not exist
                    SIR-NIC.ARPA will not exist for MINIMUM 86400 seconds

          Query     QNAME=BRL.MIL  QTYPE=A
          response  from NameServer C.ISI.EDU
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE                           |
                    Question   | QNAME=BRL.MIL, QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=A                 |
                    Answer     | <empty>                                           |
                    Authority  | MIL.             86400 IN NS       SRI-NIC.ARPA.  |
                               |                  86400    NS       A.ISI.EDU.     |
                    Additional | A.ISI.EDU.                A     |
                               | SRI-NIC.ARPA.             A      |
                               |                           A      |
                    is referral because Answer empty
                                        AA bit not set
                                to authoritative NameServer SRI-NIC.ARPA
                                   authoritative NameServer A.ISI.EDU

          Query     QNAME=USC-ISIC.ARPA  QTYPE=A
          response  from NameServer A.ISI.EDU
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA                       |
                    Question   | QNAME=USC-ISIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=A          |
                    Answer     | USC-ISIC.ARPA. 86400 IN CNAME      C.ISI.EDU.     |
                               | C.ISI.EDU.     86400 IN A      |
                    Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                    Additional | <empty>                                           |
                    AA bit          makes Answer CNAME data authoritative
                           does not make  Answer A     data authoritative
                    A.ISI.EDU is authoritative for ARPA    where USC-ISIC.ARPA  is found
                                                   ISI.EDU where C.ISI.EDU data is found
          response  from NameServer C.ISI.EDU
                    may be equal to response from NameServer A.ISI.EDU if NameServer C.ISI.EDU has RR A in cache
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA                       |
                    Question   | QNAME=USC-ISIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=A          |
                    Answer     | USC-ISIC.ARPA.   86400 IN CNAME   C.ISI.EDU.      |
                    Authority  | ISI.EDU.        172800 IN NS      VAXA.ISI.EDU.   |
                               |                           NS      A.ISI.EDU.      |
                               |                           NS      VENERA.ISI.EDU. |
                    Additional | VAXA.ISI.EDU.   172800    A       |
                               |                 172800    A      |
                               | VENERA.ISI.EDU. 172800    A       |
                               |                 172800    A      |
                               | A.ISI.EDU.      172800    A      |
                    is authoritative for alias USC-ISIC.ARPA
                    Authority has ISI.EDU. because CNAME points to C.ISI.EDU.

          response  from NameServer A.ISI.EDU or C.ISI.EDU
                    Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA                       |
                    Question   | QNAME=USC-ISIC.ARPA., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=A          |
                    Answer     | USC-ISIC.ARPA. 86400 IN CNAME      C.ISI.EDU.     |
                    Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                    Additional | <empty>                                           |
                    creator may look up something for Additional

          Resolver  just did a system boot
                    has empty cache data
                    the system is not one of the hosts in the data
                    host is on net 26
                         has safety belt (SBELT) data  match count = -1
                                                 match count -1 means servers aren't very close to target
                                                             is not accurate closeness measure
                    receives Query from local mailer PVM@ISI.EDU
                                   asking MX for ISI.EDU
                    searches in cache data for MX at ISI.EDU
                    cache data is empty
                    searches in cache data for NS with ISI.EDU
                    cache data is empty
                    copies SBELT into SLIST
                    selects one InternetAddress of SBELT
                    selects closest IP to net 26
                    sends Query  to
                                 Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY                                     |
                                 Question   | QNAME=ISI.EDU., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=MX               |
                                 Answer     | <empty>                                           |
                                 Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                                 Additional | <empty>                                           |
                    waits for response
                    timeout occurs
                    tries different servers in SLIST
                    tries different InternetAddresses of same servers in SLIST
                    retries InternetAddresses in SLIST
                    receives  from SRI-NIC.ARPA
                              Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE                           |
                              Question   | QNAME=ISI.EDU., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=MX               |
                              Answer     | <empty>                                           |
                              Authority  | ISI.EDU.        172800 IN NS       VAXA.ISI.EDU.  |
                                         |                           NS       A.ISI.EDU.     |
                                         |                           NS       VENERA.ISI.EDU.|
                              Additional | VAXA.ISI.EDU.   172800    A      |
                                         |                 172800    A     |
                                         | VENERA.ISI.EDU. 172800    A      |
                                         |                 172800    A     |
                                         | A.ISI.EDU.      172800    A     |
                              notice closer delegation to ISI.EDU than Resolver SLIST
                                                       since it matches three labels
                    caches received data
                    sets up new SLIST  Match count = 3
                    Queries servers on new SLIST
                    receives             +---------------------------------------------------+
                              Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA                       |
                              Question   | QNAME=ISI.EDU., QCLASS=IN, QTYPE=MX               |
                              Answer     | ISI.EDU.                MX 10 VENERA.ISI.EDU.     |
                                         |                         MX 20 VAXA.ISI.EDU.       |
                              Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                              Additional | VAXA.ISI.EDU.   172800  A              |
                                         |                 172800  A             |
                                         | VENERA.ISI.EDU. 172800  A              |
                                         |                 172800  A             |
                    caches received data
                    sends Response to local mailer
                                   with MX

                    now wants HostName for
                    searches in cache data for
                    searches in cache data for NS to ask for
                    in chache data the servers for ISI.EDU are not ancestor of
                    in SBELT       the servers have authoritative data for
                    sends Query PTR
                                to one server in SBELT
                    receives             +---------------------------------------------------+
                              Header     | OPCODE=SQUERY, RESPONSE, AA                       |
                              Question   | QNAME=,QCLASS=IN,QTYPE=PTR |
                              Answer     |    PTR     ACC.ARPA.      |
                              Authority  | <empty>                                           |
                              Additional | <empty>                                           |

                    now wants host InternetAddress of poneria.ISI.EDU
                    creates Query A to poneria.ISI.EDU
                    search in cache data for A  poneria.ISI.EDU
                    search in cache data for NS poneria.ISI.EDU
                           finds NS ISI.EDU
                    constructs SLIST  Match count = 3
                               A.ISI.EDU is first because of preference
                                            on the same net
                    one server in SLIST would answer Query