HTTP  Hypertext Transfer Protocol
      HTTP/1.0  allows one outstanding request per TCP connection
      HTTP/1.1  adds request pipelining
                suffers from head-of-line blocking
                HeaderField can be repetitive and verbose
      HTTP/2    supports all core features of HTTP/1.1
                can interleave requests and responses per TCP connection
                can prioritize requests
                can use fewer TCP connections
                HeaderField uses efficient coding
                uses binary message framing

                is an application-layer protocol
                runs on top of TCP
                uses same "http" and "https" URI schemes as HTTP/1.1
                     port  80  for "http"  URIs
                           443 for "https" URIs
                Client  initiates TCP connection
                        ask if Server supports HTTP/2

                VersionIdentifier  negotiation implies use of HTTP/2
                                   "h2c"  means HTTP/2 over TCP without TLS
                                          reserved from ALPN identifier space
                                   "h2"   means HTTP/2 over TLS
                                          used in TLS-ALPN extension field RFC7301
                                          ALPN identifier = {0x68,0x32}

StartSteps  "h2c"  noKnow  Client  does not know if Server supports HTTP/2
                                   request "http" URI using HTTP/1.1
                                           HeaderField  Upgrade         = "h2c"
                                                        HTTP2-Settings  only one
                                           if has payload body
                                              then Client sends payload body before sending HTTP/2 frames
                                           example  GET / HTTP/1.1
                                                    Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings
                                                    Upgrade: h2c
                                                    HTTP2-Settings: <base64url encoding of HTTP/2 SETTINGS payload>

                                           stream  StreamIdentifier = 1
                                                   state "half-closed (local)" to Client
                                                   default priority

                                   may use OPTIONS request to upgrade HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2
                                                           costing one more RTT
                           Server  receives Client request
                                   if does not support HTTP/2
                                      then ignores Upgrade
                                           responds example  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                                                             Content-Length: 243
                                                             Content-Type: text/html

                                   if supports HTTP/2 and
                                      accepts upgrade
                                      then ignore "h2" token in Upgrade HeaderField
                                           respods 101(Switching Protocols)
                                                   HTTP/2 frames have ConnectionPreface
                                                                      response to client request
                                                   example  HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
                                                            Connection: Upgrade
                                                            Upgrade: h2c

                                                            [ HTTP/2 connection ...

                           Client  receives 101 response
                                   sends  ConnectionPreface

                   yeKnow  Client  knows Server supports HTTP/2
                                   may know using RFC7838
                                   sends ConnectionPreface
                                   then may immediately send HTTP request
                           Server  receives ConnectionPreface
                                   identifies HTTP/2 by presence of ConnectionPreface
                                   sends ConnectionPreface

            "h2"  Client  may or not know if Server supports HTTP/2
                          request to an "https" URI using TLS-ALPN extension
                          completes TLS handshake
                          sends ConnectionPreface
                  Server  receives request
                          sends ConnectionPreface

HTTP2-Settings  = token68  ABNF production RFC5234
                           RFC7230 Section 2.1
                only sent by Client
                only for request to upgrade HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2
                only one per request
                if not in request then Server does not upgrade to HTTP/2

ConnectionPreface  = strg || sttngsFrmC  if sent by Client
                   = sttngsFrmS          if sent by Server

                   strg          = 0x505249202a20485454502f322e300d0a0d0a534d0d0a0d0a
                                   "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n"
                                 designed so that intermediaries do not attempt to process further frames
                   sttngsFrameC  Client SETTINGS frame
                                 may be empty
                   sttngsFrameS  Server SETTINGS frame
                                 may be empty
                   if receive invalid ConnectionPreface
                      then send Connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                           may not send GOAWAY since peer may not be using HTTP/2

HTMLHeader  SenderSteps    put one or more HeaderField in HeaderList
                           serialize HeaderList into HeaderBlock using HeaderCompression
                           divided HeaderBlock into HeaderBlockFragments
                           put HeaderBlockFragments in Payload of Frames
                           Frames are transmitted to peer
            receiverSteps  concatenate HeaderBlockFragments into HeaderBlock
                           reconstruct HeaderList
                           read HeaderFields of HeaderList
            HeaderField           same as in HTTP/1
            HeaderBlock           apply HeaderDeCompression even if data will be discarded
                                  is always processed to maintain correct connection state
                                                      except if connection closes
                                  if server receives very large HeaderBlock
                                     then server may send HTTP 431 (Request Header Fields Too Large) status code RFC6585
            HeaderBlockFragments  made of one or more octet sequences
                                  put in Payload of one HEADERS      Frame followed by zero or more CONTINUATION Frames
                                                    one PUSH_PROMISE Frame followed by zero or more CONTINUATION Frames
                                  transmitted with no Frame of other Type   interleaved
                                                                     stream interleaved
            HeaderCompression  RFC7541
                               is statefull
                               if abused by waste of processing
                                  then send stream error ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM

Stream  created and used unilaterally
        may be closed by Client or Server
        has Frames exchanged between Client and Server
                   processed in receiving order
                   with  independent   sequence
                         bidirectional sequence

        States                           +--------+
                                 send PP |        | recv PP
                                ,--------|  idle  |--------.
                               /         |        |         \
                              v          +--------+          v
                       +----------+          |           +----------+
                       |          |          | send H /  |          |
                ,------| reserved |          | recv H    | reserved |------.
                |      | (local)  |          |           | (remote) |      |
                |      +----------+          v           +----------+      |
                |          |             +--------+             |          |
                |          |     recv ES |        | send ES     |          |
                |   send H |     ,-------|  open  |-------.     | recv H   |
                |          |    /        |        |        \    |          |
                |          v   v         +--------+         v   v          |
                |      +----------+          |           +----------+      |
                |      |   half   |          |           |   half   |      |
                |      |  closed  |          | send R /  |  closed  |      |
                |      | (remote) |          | recv R    | (local)  |      |
                |      +----------+          |           +----------+      |
                |           |                |                 |           |
                |           | send ES /      |       recv ES / |           |
                |           | send R /       v        send R / |           |
                |           | recv R     +--------+   recv R   |           |
                | send R /  `----------->|        |<-----------'  send R / |
                | recv R                 | closed |               recv R   |
                `----------------------->|        |<----------------------'
                map shows stream state transitions
                          frames and flags affecting only those transitions

                send  endpoint sends    this Frame
                recv  endpoint receives this Frame
                H     HEADERS       Frame followed by zero or more CONTINUATION Frames
                PP    PUSH_PROMISE  Frame followed by zero or more CONTINUATION Frames
                R     RST_STREAM    Frame
                ES    Frame with END_STREAM bit set
                      processed as separate event to Frame that has it

               HEADERS      frame with END_STREAM bit set causes two state transitions
                                                          is interpreted as H and ES
               CONTINUATION frame does not result in state transitions
               PRIORITY     frame may be sent and received in any state

               if receive Frame and
                  this description doesnt say what to do
                  then may send Connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

               "idle"              starting state
                                   if send or receive HEADERS Frame                          then "open"
                                   if send or receive HEADERS Frame with END_STREAM bit set  then "half-closed"
                                   if send    PUSH_PROMISE frame on another stream           then "reserved (local)"  for reserved stream
                                   if receive PUSH_PROMISE frame on another stream           then "reserved (remote)" for reserved stream
                                   PUSH_PROMISE frame reserves "idle" stream identified in PromisedStreamID
                                                      is not sent on "idle" stream
                                   if receive Frame with no HEADERS or PRIORITY
                                      then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

               "reserved (local)"  state after sending PUSH_PROMISE frame
                                   if send            HEADERS    frame  then "half-closed (remote)"
                                   if send or receive RST_STREAM frame  then "closed" and
                                                                             release stream reservation
                                   if send Frame with no HEADERS     or
                                                         RST_STREAM  or
                                                         PRIORITY    then error
                                   if receive Frame with no RST_STREAM or
                                                            PRIORITY   or
                                      then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

               "reserved (remote)"  stream reserved by peer
                                    if receive         HEADERS    Frame  then "half-closed (local)"
                                    if send or receive RST_STREAM Frame  then "closed"
                                                                              release stream reservation
                                    may send PRIORITY Frame to reprioritize reserved stream
                                    if send Frame with no RST_STREAM    or
                                                          WINDOW_UPDATE or
                                                          PRIORITY      then error
                                    if receive Frame with no HEADERS    or
                                                             RST_STREAM or
                                       then connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

               "open"               may send or receive Frames with any Type
                                    sender observes advertised stream-level FlowControl limits
                                    if send    Frame END_STREAM bit set  then "half-closed (local)"
                                    if receive Frame END_STREAM bit set  then "half-closed (remote)"
                                    if send or receive RST_STREAM Frame  then "closed"

               "half-closed (local)"  may receive Frames with any Type
                                      if send Frames with no WINDOW_UPDATE or
                                                             PRIORITY      or
                                                             RST_STREAM    then error
                                      if receive Frame END_STREAM bit set  then "closed"
                                      if send or receive RST_STREAM Frame  then "closed"
                                      may send WINDOW_UPDATE Frame for FlowControl
                                      if receive Frame END_STREAM bit set
                                         then ignore the following WINDOW_UPDATE Frames

               "half-closed (remote)"  do not maintain peer FlowControl window
                                       if receive Frames with no WINDOW_UPDATE or
                                                                 RST_STREAM    or
                                          then send stream error STREAM_CLOSED
                                       may send frames of any type
                                       observe advertised stream-level FlowControl limits
                                       if send Frame END_STREAM bit set     then "closed"
                                       if send or receive RST_STREAM Frame  then "closed"

               "closed"    terminal state
                           if receive RST_STREAM Frame and
                              receive Frame with no PRIORITY after
                              then send stream error STREAM_CLOSED

                           if receive Frame END_STREAM bit set and
                              receive Frame with any Type after
                              then stream error STREAM_CLOSED

                           if send DATA or HEADERS with END_STREAM bit set
                              then may receive WINDOW_UPDATE or RST_STREAM for a short period
                                               and must ignore Frames
                                                   may send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                           if peer has not received and processed RST_STREAM or END_STREAM
                              then peer may send WINDOW_UPDATE or RST_STREAM

                           if receive PRIORITY Frame and
                              stream has been removed from dependency tree
                              then may ignore PRIORITY Frame

                           if sent RST_STREAM in previous state and
                              state became "closed"             and
                              receive any Frames after          then ignore received Frames
                                                                     may send error
                           if sent RST_STREAM and
                              receive FlowControl Frame for example DATA
                              then count FlowControl Frame toward FlowControl window

                           if sent RST_STREAM             and
                              received PUSH_PROMISE after and
                              PUSH_PROMISE is not wanted  then send RST_STREAM

        StreamIdentifier  = odd   if stream initiated by Client
                            even  if stream initiated by Server
                            0     is  used for connection control
                                  not used to establish new stream
                          > any stream previously created by endpoint
                          if = unexpected value then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                          if send or receive Frame in new stream   and
                             other stream is "idle"                and
                             "idle" stream StreamIdentifier < new stream
                             then "idle" stream becomes "closed"

                             example  if Client never sends   Frame on stream 5 and
                                                sends HEADERS Frame on stream 7
                                         then stream 5 becomes "closed"

                          if Client wants to create new stream and
                             StreamIdentifier value range is exhausted
                             then Client creates new connection
                          if Server wants to create new stream and
                             StreamIdentifier value range is exhausted
                             then Server sends GOAWAY Frame
                                  then Client opens new connection

        Priority  set using HEADERS  Frame
                            PRIORITY Frame

                  allows endpoint to express how peer may allocate resources when managing concurrent streams
                  does not forces peer to process concurrent streams in a particular order
                  depends on Dependency
                  for new Stream Dependency = 0
                                 Weight     = 16

                  Dependency  used by marking Stream as dependent on other stream
                              parent is a stream upon which stream is dependent
                              children may get resources only if parents are "closed" or blocked

                              0  non-existent stream
                                 root of tree
                                 parent of parents

                              if stream depends on itself then send stream error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                              if stream has no parent then stream Dependency = 0
                              if stream is "idle" then stream is not in tree
                              if stream is not in tree then children get Dependency = 0
                                                                         Weight     = 16

                              DefaultFlag    StreamIdentifier is added as new child to StreamDependency
                                             chirdren sharing parent are not ordered with respect to each other
                                             example  if B and C are the children of A
                                                         then B and C and D become the children of A
                                                      map    A           A
                                                            / \   ==>   /|\
                                                           B   C       B C D

                              ExclusiveFlag  children of StreamDependency become children of StreamIdentifier
                                             StreamIdentifier becomes the child of StreamDependency
                                             example  if B and C are the children of A
                                                         then B and C become the children of D
                                                              D becomes the child of A
                                                      map                A
                                                             A           |
                                                            / \   ==>    D
                                                           B   C        / \
                                                                       B   C
                              if stream is reprioritized then children move with stream

                              example  stream is made dependent on own dependencies
                                       B and C depend on A
                                       D and E depend on C
                                       F      depends on D
                                       if A is made dependent on D
                                          then D takes the place of A
                                               all other dependency relationships stay the same
                                               if reprioritization is exclusive
                                                  then F becomes dependent on A

                                       map    x                x                x                 x
                                              |               / \               |                 |
                                              A              D   A              D                 D
                                             / \            /   / \            / \                |
                                            B   C     ==>  F   B   C   ==>    F   A       OR      A
                                               / \                 |             / \             /|\
                                              D   E                E            B   C           F B C
                                              |                                     |               |
                                              F                                     E               E
                                                         (intermediate)   (non-exclusive)    (exclusive)

                              if stream1 is the child of stream2 and
                                 stream1 is removed from tree
                                 then Weight of stream1 is distributed to children of stream1
                                      children of stream1 become children of stream2

                              example  map     P
                                              / \
                                             A   B
                                            / \
                                           C   D
                                       streams A and B share parent and
                                               C and D depend on A
                                       if A and D are blocked
                                          then C receives all resources of A
                                       if A is removed from tree
                                          then A Weight is divided between C and D
                                       if C and D have same Weight and
                                          A is removed from tree   and
                                          D is blocked
                                          then C receives 1/3 not 1/2 of resources

                              if Stream becomes "closed"
                                 then endpoint may retain Stream Priority state for a period
                                                          to avoid giving incorrect Priority to new dependent Streams
                              if endpoint is under high load
                                 then endpoint may discard parts of Priority state
                  Weight  >= 1
                          <= 256
                          proportional to resources allocation
                          bigger means more resources
                          example  if B has Weight 4  and parent A  and
                                      C has Weight 12 and parent A  and
                                      A is blocked                  then B should receive 1/3 of resources compared to C

Frame  = Header || Payload

       Header   +-----------------------------------------------+
                |                 Length (24)                   |
                |   Type (8)    |   Flags (8)   |
                |R|                  StreamIdentifier (31)                      |

                Length  of Payload
                        unsigned integer
                        <= SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE
                        size = 24bit

                Type    determines Frame format and semantics
                        if receive unknown then ignore and discard Frame
                        size = 8bit

                Flags   each bit has different use
                        size = 8bit

                R       = 0
                        size = 1bit

                StreamIdentifier  unsigned integer
                                  if  = 0 then Frame is associated with whole Connection
                                  if != 0 then Frame is associated with individual stream
                                  size = 31bit

       DATA  Header  Type = 0
                     Flags  PADDED      bit 3
                                        if     set then PadLength and Padding are     present
                                        if not set then PadLength and Padding are not present
                            END_STREAM  bit 0
                                        if set then this is last Frame to send for stream

             Payload  +---------------+
                      |PadLength?  (8)|
                      |                            Data (*)                         ...
                      |                           Padding (*)                       ...

                      PadLength  in octets
                                 size = 8bit
                                 if >= Frame Header Length then receiver connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                                 may = 0

                      Data       Application data
                                 may carry HTTP request or response payloads
                                                payload body RFC7230 Section 3.3
                                 size = Frame Header Length - size of PadLength - PadLength  octets

                      Padding    has no application semantic value
                                 may obscure size of messages
                                 = 0
                                 if != 0 then receiver may connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                      included in FlowControl

             only sent if stream is "open" or "half-closed (remote)"
             if StreamIdentifier = 0 then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

       HEADERS  Header  Type = 1
                        Flags  END_STREAM   bit 0
                                            if set then this is last HeaderBlock in Stream to send
                                            this Frame may be followed by CONTINUATION frame and still be last HeaderBlock in stream

                               END_HEADERS  bit 2
                                            if     set then this frame is not followed by CONTINUATION frame
                                            if not set then this frame is     followed by CONTINUATION frame
                                            if set and receive frame in this or different stream
                                               then connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                                            allows HeaderBlock to be logically equivalent to one Frame

                               PADDED       bit 3
                                            if     set then PadLength and Padding are     present
                                            if not set then PadLength and Padding are not present

                               PRIORITY     bit 5
                                            if     set then E and StreamDependency and Weight are     present
                                            if not set then E and StreamDependency and Weight are not present
                                            enabled present data is equivalent to PRIORITY Frame
                                            reprioritizes Stream if bit set and in subsequent HEADERS to firt on Stream

                Payload  +---------------+
                         |PadLength?  (8)|
                         |E|                 StreamDependency? (31)                      |
                         |  Weight? (8)  |
                         |                   HeaderBlockFragment (*)                   ...
                         |                           Padding (*)                       ...

                         PadLength            length of Padding
                                              in octets
                                              size = 8bit
                                              if >= Frame Header Length  then connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                         E                    if set then StreamDependency is exclusive
                                              size = 1bit

                         StreamDependency     identifies the parent of this stream
                                              size = 31bit

                         Weight               unsigned integer
                                              Priority Weight of this stream
                                              add one to obtain value between 1 and 256
                                              size = 8bit

                sent on stream in "idle"                  or
                                  "open"                  or
                                  "reserved (local)"      or
                                  "half-closed (remote)"

                if HeaderBlock does not fit in one HEADERS
                   then HeaderBlock is continued in one or more CONTINUATION Frames

                only appears at start or end of stream

                if StreamIdentifier = 0 then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

       PRIORITY  Header  Type = 2
                         Flags  none

                 Payload  +-+-------------------------------------------------------------+
                          |E|                   StreamDependency (31)                     |
                          |   Weight (8)  |

                          E                 indicates StreamDependency is exclusive
                                            size = 1bit

                          StreamDependency  identifies the parent of this stream
                                            size = 31bit

                          Weight            unsigned integer
                                            Priority Weight of this stream
                                            add one to obtain value between 1 and 256
                                            size = 8bit

                          if size != 5 octets then send stream error FRAME_SIZE_ERROR

                 sent in any stream state
                 not sent between consecutive Frames with single HeaderBlock

                 if abused causing unnecessary waste of resources
                    then send stream error ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM

                 if StreamIdentifier = 0 then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

       RST_STREAM  Header  Type = 3
                           Flags  none

                   Payload  +---------------------------------------------------------------+
                            |                         ErrorCode (32)                        |
                            unsigned integer
                            indicates why stream is being terminated
                            if size != 32bit then send connection error FRAME_SIZE_ERROR

                   immediately terminates stream

                   if received then send no additional Frame in stream except PRIORITY
                                            RST_STREAM Frame
                   if sent then it takes time to arrive to peer
                                sender may receive Frames
                                       must process received PUSH_PROMISE      Frames
                                                             FlowControl       Frames
                                                             HeaderCompression Frames

                   if sent and receive Frame on "closed" stream after more than one RTT
                      then may send again to deal with misbehaving implementations

                   if received with ErrorCode = REFUSED_STREAM
                      then stream is being closed prior to any processing having occurred
                           request sent on this stream are safe to retry

                   if StreamIdentifier = 0 then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

       SETTINGS  Header  Type = 4
                         Flags  ACK  bit 0
                                     if set then sender ACKnowledges receiving and applying this Frame
                                                 Payload is empty  else send connection error FRAME_SIZE_ERROR

                 Payload  has zero or more parameters
                          each Parameter  +-------------------------------+
                                          |       Identifier (16)         |
                                          |                        Value (32)                             |

                          Parameters  defined here are all supported by implementations
                                      are not negotiated
                                      affects receiver
                                      last one received is applied
                                      all processed in appearing order with no other Frame processing in between
                                      different values for same Parameter can be advertised by each peer
                                      if receive unknown or unsupported then ignore

                                      SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE  Identifier  = 1
                                                                  Value       in octets
                                                                              = 4096  if initial value
                                                                              max size of HeaderCompression table
                                                                                       used to decode HeaderBlock
                                                                  HeaderCompression encoder uses size <= Value

                                      SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH  Identifier  = 2
                                                            Value       = 1  if initial value
                                                                             indicates server push is permitted
                                                                        if = 0           then do not send PUSH_PROMISE frame
                                                                        if != 0 or != 1  then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                                                                        if sent = 0     and
                                                                           ACKnowledged and
                                                                           receive PUSH_PROMISE  then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                                                                        if Client receives SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH != 0
                                                                           then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                                      SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS  Identifier  = 3
                                                                       Value       number of streams sender permits receiver to create
                                                                                   >= 100  is recomended
                                                                                   0  prevents creation of new streams
                                                                                      does not prohibit sending PUSH_PROMISE

                                                                       initially there is no limit
                                                                       only counts Streams in "open"                 or
                                                                                              "half-closed (local)"  or
                                                                                              "half-closed (remote)"
                                                                       if exceeded then send stream error PROTOCOL_ERROR or REFUSED_STREAM
                                                                       if endpoints wants Value < current concurrent streams
                                                                          then endpoint closes stream or
                                                                                        waits for current concurrent streams to go down

                                      SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE  Identifier = 4
                                                                    Value  receiver updates all streams WindowSizeS#s
                                                                           does not affect WindowSizeCs
                                                                           in octets
                                                                           = 2^16-1  if initial value
                                                                           < 2^31-1  else send connection error FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR

                                      SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE  Identifier  = 5
                                                               Value       size of largest Frame Payload sender is willing to receive
                                                                           in octets
                                                                           = 2^14   if initial value
                                                                           >= 2^14  else connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                                                                           <  2^24  else connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                                      SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE  Identifier  = 6
                                                                     Value       max size of HeaderList sender accepts
                                                                                 in octets
                                                                     initially there is no limit

                 must be sent by both endpoints at start          of connection
                 may  be sent by both endpoints at any other time of connection
                 always apply to connection
                 never  apply to single stream

                 if received and ACK not set
                    then update received Parameters as soon as possible
                         send immediately SETTINGS Frame with ACK set

                 if sent and does not receive ACKnowledgement and
                    reasonable amount of time passes      then may send connection error SETTINGS_TIMEOUT
                 if abused by pointlessly changing it or
                              setting multiple undefined parameters
                    then send stream error ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM
                 if StreamIdentifier != 0                 then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                 if badly formed or incomplete            then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                 if Frame Length != multiple of 6 octets  then send connection error FRAME_SIZE_ERROR

       PUSH_PROMISE  Header  Type = 5
                             Flags  END_HEADERS  bit 2
                                                 if set then this Frame has entire HeaderBlock
                                                                        is not followed by one or more CONTINUATION Frame
                                                 if not set then this Frame is followed by one or more CONTINUATION Frame
                                                 if not set and
                                                    receive frame without CONTINUATION or
                                                            frame on different stream
                                                    then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                                    PADDED       bit 3
                                                 if     set then PadLength and Padding are     present
                                                 if not set then PadLength and Padding are not present

                     Payload  +---------------+
                              |PadLength? (8) |
                              |R|                     PromisedStreamID (31)                   |
                              |                      HeaderBlockFragment (*)                ...
                              |                           Padding (*)                       ...

                              PadLength            length of Padding
                                                   in octets
                                                   size = 8bit

                              R                    reserved
                                                   size = 1bit

                              PromisedStreamID     unsigned integer
                                                   identifies stream that will be initiated by Server
                                                   if received and
                                                      stream PromisedStreamID is not "idle"
                                                      then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                                                   changes promised stream to "reserved"
                                                   only reserves for later use
                                                   size = 31bit

                              HeaderBlockFragment  provides additional context for promised stream
                                                   may modify state of HeaderCompression
                                                   has ":authority"
                                                   if ":authority" is not authoritative
                                                      then send stream error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                                                   has ":method" that is safe and cacheable else send stream error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                     is not sent by client
                     only send on stream in "open" or "half-closed (remote)"

                     promised streams may not be used in order promised

                     if not cacheable or   RFC7231 Section 4.2.3
                        not safe      or   RFC7231 Section 4.2.1
                        has request body
                        then reset stream PromisedStreamID with stream error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                     if received then may reject promised streams
                                                 by returning RST_STREAM with promised StreamIdentifier
                     if received and ignored then stream state becomes indeterminate
                     if received in stream in neither "open" nor "half-closed (local)"
                        then connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                     if StreamIdentifier = 0 then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

       PING  Header  Type = 6
                     Flags  ACK  bit 0

             Payload  +---------------------------------------------------------------+
                      |                                                               |
                      |                       OpaqueData (64)                         |
                      |                                                               |

                      OpaqueData  has any value sender wants
                                  used in any fashion by sender
                                  size = 64bit

             if received with ACK flag not set
                then send PING frame with ACK flag set
                                          identical Payload
                                          may higher priority than any other frame
             RTT  round trip time
                  = time it takes for PING with ACK not set to go +
                    time it takes for PING with ACK     set to come

             determines whether idle connection is functional
             sent from any endpoint

             if StreamIdentifier != 0 then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR
             if Frame Length != 8     then send connection error FRAME_SIZE_ERROR

       GOAWAY  Header  Type = 7
                       Flags  none

               Payload  +-+-------------------------------------------------------------+
                        |R|                     LastStreamID (31)                       |
                        |                       ErrorCode (32)                          |
                        |                    AdditionalDebugData (*)                    |

                        LastStreamID         unsigned integer
                                             highest stream sender might have taken some action on
                                                                         yet  take       action on
                                                            initiated by receiver
                                             = 0 if no streams data was processed
                                             size = 31bit

                        ErrorCode            reason for closing connection
                                             size = 32bit

                        AdditionalDebugData  for diagnostic purposes only
                                             carries no semantic value
                                             may have security or private data
                                             if contains logged or otherwise persistently stored data
                                                then do adequate safeguards to prevent unauthorized access

               use to initiate shutdown of connection or
                      signal serious error conditions

                      gracefully stop accepting new streams while finishing processing established streams

               applies to connection
               does not apply to specific stream
               if StreamIdentifier != 0 then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

               may     send before closing connection so peer knows if stream is partially processed
               may not send before closing connection if peer is misbehaving

               if sent then ignore new streams initiated by receiver
                                               with StreamIdentifier > LastStreamID

               if sent GOAWAY and
                  sent data on stream with StreamIdentifier > LastStreamID
                  then that stream is ignored

               if received then do not open new streams on connection
                                may do new connection for new streams

               if received and connection has no more uses
                  then may send GOAWAY frame before terminating connection

               if GOAWAY was used   and
                  Connection closed and
                  stream with StreamIdentifier <= LastStreamID was not closed
                  then reattempting requests              is not possible
                                    transactions          is not possible
                                    any protocol activity is not possible
                                    idempotent actions    is     possible
                                    HTTP GET,PUT,DELETE   is     possible

               if GOAWAY was used   and
                  Connection closed and
                  stream with StreamIdentifier > LastStreamID was not closed
                  then any protocol activity may be safely retried using new connection

               if sent then may maintaining connection "open" until all streams complete

               if endpoint wants to do gracefull connection shut down
                  then send GOAWAY with ErrorCode    = NO_ERROR
                                        LastStreamID = 2^31-1
                       wait at least one RTT
                       if no error hapens then send GOAWAY with ErrorCode    = NO_ERROR
                                                                LastStreamID = real stream

               if sent GOAWAY with ErrorCode NO_ERROR and
                  new ErrorCode happens
                  then may send GOAWAY with new ErrorCode
                                            LastStreamID <= LastStreamID of first GOAWAY
                                                         indicating which streams could have been acted upon

               if connection terminates without GOAWAY frame
                  then LastStreamID = 2^31-1

       WINDOW_UPDATE  Header  Type = 8
                              Flags  none

                      Payload  +-+-------------------------------------------------------------+
                               |R|                WindowSizeIncrement (31)                     |

                               R                    reserved
                                                    size = 1bit

                               WindowSizeIncrement  unsigned integer
                                                    in octets
                                                    > 0
                                                    < 2^31
                                                    if = 0 then stream error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                                                    size = 31bit
                               if size != 4 then send connection error FRAME_SIZE_ERROR

                      FlowControl  Frames are of Type DATA
                                                      future Extensions may add new Types

                                   does not apply to AllHops  example  Server to midlebox1 to midlebox2 to Client
                                   applies to each   OneHop   example  Client    to midlebox2  or
                                                                       midlebox1 to midlebox2
                                   uses WindowSize  integer
                                                    can be negative
                                                    in octets
                                                    = 65535 if new connection or stream

                                   each enpoint has for each Connection WindowSizeCs for sending
                                                                        WindowSizeCr for receiving

                                                             Stream     WindowSizeS#s for sending
                                                                        WindowSizeS#r for receiving

                                   if receive FlowControl Frame with StreamIdentifier = 3
                                                                     Length > WindowSizeS3r
                                      then either 1  process Frame
                                                     update WindowSizeS3r = WindowSizeS3r - Frame Length
                                                            WindowSizeCr  = WindowSizeCr  - Frame Length
                                                     receiving Frame Length > WindowSizeS3r  may happen after sending small SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE
                                                  2  send connection error FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR

                                   if receive FlowControl Frame with StreamIdentifier = 2
                                                                     Length <= WindowSizeS2r
                                      then process Frame
                                           update WindowSizeS2r = WindowSizeS2r - Frame Length
                                                  WindowSizeCr  = WindowSizeCr  - Frame Length

                                   FlowControl Frame can not have StreamIdentifier = 0

                                   if want to send FlowControl Frame with StreamIdentifier = 5
                                                                          Length > WindowSizeS5s
                                      then do not send Frame

                                   if want to send FlowControl Frame with StreamIdentifier = 4
                                                                          Length <= WindowSizeS4s
                                      then send Frame
                                           update WindowSizeS4s = WindowSizeS4s - Frame Length
                                                  WindowSizeCs  = WindowSizeCs  - Frame Length

                                   if receive FlowControl Frame and detect connection error then do not apply FlowControl
                                   if receive FlowControl Frame and detect stream     error then        apply FlowControl

                                   if receive WINDOW_UPDATE with StreamIdentifier = 0
                                      then update WindowSizeCr  = WindowSizeCr  + WindowSizeIncrement

                                   if receive WINDOW_UPDATE with StreamIdentifier = 1
                                      then update WindowSizeS1r = WindowSizeS1r + WindowSizeIncrement

                                   if any WindowSize >= 2^31 then send either GOAWAY     with FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR
                                                                              RST_STREAM with FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR

                                   if connection is new         and
                                      client sends 60000 octets and
                                      server sends SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 16000 octets
                                      then client calcualtes WindowSizeS1s = 65535                         when connection is new
                                                             WindowSizeS1s = 65535-60000          = 5535   when client sends 60000 octets
                                                             WindowSizeS1s = 5535 + (16000-65535) =-44000  when server sends SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE

                                   implementations manage how to avoid head-of-line blocking
                                                                       large bandwidth*delay problems RFC7323

                                   SETTINGS can change WindowSize for streams in "open" or "half-closed (remote)"

                                   if abused causing unnecessary waste of resources
                                      then send stream error ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM

       CONTINUATION  Header  Type = 9
                             Flags  END_HEADERS  bit 2
                                                 if     set then this Frame ends HeaderBlock
                                                 if not set and next received Frame Type != CONTINUATION   or
                                                                                    is from another stream
                                                    then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                     Payload  +---------------------------------------------------------------+
                              |                     HeaderBlockFragment (*)                 ...

                     continues sequence of HeaderBlock fragments
                     any number of CONTINUATION frames can be sent

                     if received and previous Frame had no HEADERS or
                                                           PUSH_PROMISE or
                                                           CONTINUATION with END_HEADERS not set
                        then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                     if StreamIdentifier = 0 then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

       if size > SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE  or
          size > max limit for Frame type or
          size < min limit for Frame type then send error FRAME_SIZE_ERROR

       if FRAME_SIZE_ERROR for Frame with HEADERS               or
                                          PUSH_PROMISE          or
                                          CONTINUATION          or
                                          SETTINGS              or
                                          StreamIdentifier = 0  then Connection error

       sending big Frame may delay sending time-sensitive Frames example RST_STREAM     or
                                                                         WINDOW_UPDATE  or

       if endpoints do not maintain synchronized view of connection state
          then communication will fail

       if abused by receiving many small or empty
          then send stream error ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM

Error  class  ConnectionError  if entire connection becomes unusable
              StreamError      if one stream becomes unusable

       ConnectionError  for error preventing further processing of frame layer or
                                  corrupting any connection state
                        if encountered then may send Frame Type GOAWAY
                                                           StreamIdentifier of last successful Stream received
                                                           ErrorCode indicating why connection is terminating
                                            close TCP connection
                        endpoint may end connection at any time
                                     treat StreamError as ConnectionError

       StreamError      does not affect other Streams
                        if detected then send Frame Type RST_STREAM
                                                    StreamIdentifier where error occurred
       ErrorCode  size = 32bit
                  if unknown or unsupported then trigger no special behavior
                                                 may treate as INTERNAL_ERROR
                  = 0   NO_ERROR             associated condition is not a result of error
                  =                          may be in GOAWAY indicating graceful shutdown of connection
                  = 1   PROTOCOL_ERROR       endpoint detected unspecific protocol error
                  =                          use if specific ErrorCode is not available
                  = 2   INTERNAL_ERROR       sender encountered unexpected internal error
                  = 3   FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR   sender detected peer violated flow-control protocol
                  = 4   SETTINGS_TIMEOUT     sender sent SETTINGS frame and received no response in time
                  = 5   STREAM_CLOSED        sender received frame on "half-closed" stream
                  = 6   FRAME_SIZE_ERROR     sender received frame with invalid size
                  = 7   REFUSED_STREAM       sender refused stream prior to performing application processing
                  = 8   CANCEL               sender indicates stream is no longer needed
                  = 9   COMPRESSION_ERROR    sender is unable to maintain HeaderCompression context for connection
                  = 10  CONNECT_ERROR        connection established in response to CONNECT was reset or abnormally closed
                  = 11  ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM    sender detected peer might be generating excessive load
                  = 12  INADEQUATE_SECURITY  underlying transport properties do not meet minimum security requirements
                  = 13  HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED    sender requires HTTP/1.1 instead of HTTP/2

all request and response semantics are preserved from HTTP/1.1 into HTTP/2

specification and requirements of HTTP/1.1 Semantics and Content RFC7231
                                  Conditional Requests           RFC7232
                                  Range Requests                 RFC7233
                                  Caching                        RFC7234
                                  Authentication                 RFC7235
                                  portions of Message Syntax and Routing RFC7230
                                           such as HTTP and HTTPS URI schemes
                                  are applicable in HTTP/2

HTTP  exchange  consumes single stream
                Client request   on new stream
                                 starts with HEADERS
                                 ends   with Frame with END_STREAM set
                                             "half-closed (local)"  for Client
                                             "half-closed (remote)" for Server
                Server response  on same stream
                                 starts with HEADERS
                                 ends   with Frame END_STREAM set
                                 completes after Server sends    or
                                                 client receives
                                                 Frame END_STREAM set and any CONTINUATION frames

                if client has not finished sending full request and
                   server response does not depend on the rest to receive
                   then server may send complete response for example Frame with END_STREAM set
                                        RST_STREAM with error NO_ERROR
                                        then Client does not discard responses because NO_ERROR
                                                    may      discard responses because other reasons

                does not support upgrade to another protocol

      message  .  one HEADERS followed by zero or more CONTINUATION with
                  HeadeFields RFC7230 Section 3.2

               .  zero or more DATA with
                  payload body

               .  only for HTML response
                  zero or more HEADERS each followed by zero or more CONTINUATION with
                  informational (1xx) HTTP responses RFC7230 Section 3.2
                                                     RFC7231 Section 6.2

               .  one HEADERS followed by zero or more CONTINUATION with
                  Trailer RFC7230 Section 4.1.2

      if receive final (non-informational) status code and
                 HEADERS END_STREAM is not set
         then treat as malformed

      do not use "chunked" transfer encoding           RFC7230 Section 4.1
                 101 (Switching Protocols) status code RFC7231 Section 6.2.2

      HeaderField        series of key-value pairs
                         list at
                         Name  strings of ASCII characters
                               compared in case-insensitive fashion
                               if uppercase in HTTP request or response
                                  then treat as malformed
                         TE HeaderField may be present in request only with value "trailers"
                         do not use Connection HeaderField to indicate connection-specific HeaderFields
                         if message has connection-specific HeaderFields
                            then treat as malformed
                         if transforming HTTP/1.x message to HTTP/2
                            then remove HeaderFields nominated by Connection HeaderField
                                        Connection HeaderField
                                 may remove even if not nominated by Connection HeaderField
                         Cookie  uses ";" to delimit cookie-pairs or "crumbs"
                                 does not follow list construction rules in HTTP RFC7230 Section 3.2.2
                                 may be split into separate HeaderField each with one or more cookie-pairs
                                 if finish HeaderDeCompression and
                                    there are multiple Cookie
                                    then concatenate all Cookie into single octet string
                                                     using 0x3B 0x20 = "; "
                                                     then pass to non-HTTP/2 context like HTTP/1.1 connection or
                                                                                          generic HTTP server application
                                                     example  cookie: a=b
                                                              cookie: c=d
                                                              cookie: e=f
                                                              concatenates into
                                                              cookie: a=b; c=d; e=f
                         if HTTP request or response has payload body
                            then content-length HeaderField may be used
                         if response has no payload RFC7230 Section 3.3.2 and
                                         no content in all DATA Frames
                            then response can have non-zero content-length HeaderField
                         if content-length HeaderField value != sum of DATA frame payload lengths forming body
                            then treat as malformed

      PseudoHeaderField  != HeaderField
                         begins with ':' character (ASCII 0x3a)
                         has target URI
                             method of request
                             status code for response
                         are not in trailing HeaderFields
                         if defined for HTTP requests  then do not put in HTTP responses
                         if defined for HTTP responses then do not put in HTTP requests
                         if in request or response and is undefined or invalid  then treat as malformed
                         if in request or response and is after HeaderField     then treat as malformed
                         only use the ones defined here
                         all HTTP requests  have at least one valid ":method" and ":scheme" and ":path"
                                                                    else treat as malformed
                                  responses have one ":status"      else treat as malformed

                         request   ":method"     has HTTP method RFC7231 Section 4
                                   ":scheme"     has scheme portion of target URI RFC3986 Section 3.1
                                                 not restricted to "http" and "https" schemed URIs
                                                 proxy or gateway can translate non-HTTP schemes
                                                                      use HTTP to interact with non-HTTP services
                                   ":authority"  has authority portion of target URI RFC3986 Section 3.2
                                                     no "userinfo" subcomponent for "http" or "https" schemed URIs
                                                 if translating HTTP/1.1 request with target in origin   form
                                                                                                asterisk form RFC7230 Section 5.3
                                                    then ":authority" is omitted
                                                 if Client generates HTTP/2 requests directly
                                                    then should use ":authority" instead of Host HeaderField
                                                 if intermediary converts HTTP/2 request to HTTP/1.1 and
                                                    request has no Host HeaderField
                                                    then create Host HeaderField by copying ":authority" value
                                   ":path"       has path and query parts of target URI
                                                     "path-absolute" production
                                                     optionally '?' character followed by "query" production RFC3986 Sections 3.3 and 3.4
                                                     '*' for request in asterisk form
                                                 if "http" or "https" URI has no path component
                                                     then ":path" = '/'
                                                 if "http" or "https" URI has no path component and
                                                    is an OPTIONS request
                                                    then ":path" = '*' RFC7230 Section 5.3.4

                                   HTTP/2 has no way to carry version identifier of HTTP/1.1 request line

                         response  ":status"  has HTTP status code field RFC7231 Section 6
                                   HTTP/2 has no way to carry version or reason phrase of HTTP/1.1 status line

      Malformed  if detected then send stream error PROTOCOL_ERROR
                 if detected by intermediary then intermediary does not forward message  for example any intermediary not acting as tunnel
                 if detected in requests by server then server may send response before closing or resetting stream
                 if detected in response by Client then Client does not accept response

      Padding  does not replace TLS padding
               only slows attacker by increasing number of frames to observe
               provides little protection if using random padding with predictable distribution
               if plaintext is padded to fixed size and
                  attacker makes payload cross the fixed size
                  then plaintext information will be exposed
               intermediaries may retain padding of DATA
                                  remove padding of HEADERS
                                         to improve data protection

HTTP/1.1equivalentHTTP/2  HTTP GET request has request HeaderFields
                                               no payload body
                          example  HEADERS frame has END_HEADERS and END_STREAM flags set
                                   no CONTINUATION frames sent
                                   equivalence  GET /resource HTTP/1.1       HEADERS
                                                Host:       ==>    + END_STREAM
                                                Accept: image/jpeg             + END_HEADERS
                                                                                 :method = GET
                                                                                 :scheme = https
                                                                                 :path = /resource
                                                                                 host =
                                                                                 accept = image/jpeg

                          example  HTTP response has only response HeaderFields
                                                 sent as HEADERS frame
                                                      followed by zero or more CONTINUATION frames

                                   equivalence  HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified       HEADERS
                                                ETag: "xyzzy"              ==>    + END_STREAM
                                                Expires: Thu, 23 Jan ...          + END_HEADERS
                                                                                    :status = 304
                                                                                    etag = "xyzzy"
                                                                                    expires = Thu, 23 Jan ...

                          example  HTTP POST request has HeaderFields and payload data
                                                     sent as one HEADERS frame
                                                          followed by zero or more CONTINUATION frames with request header fields
                                                          followed by one or more DATA frames
                                                                      last CONTINUATION or HEADERS END_HEADERS set and
                                                                      last DATA                    END_STREAM  set

                                   equivalence  POST /resource HTTP/1.1        HEADERS
                                                Host:         ==>    - END_STREAM
                                                Content-Type: image/jpeg         - END_HEADERS
                                                Content-Length: 123                :method = POST
                                                                                   :path = /resource
                                                {binary data}                      :scheme = https

                                                                                 + END_HEADERS
                                                                                   content-type = image/jpeg
                                                                                   host =
                                                                                   content-length = 123

                                                                                 + END_STREAM
                                                                               {binary data}

                          example  HTTP response has HeaderFields and payload data
                                                 sent as one HEADERS frame
                                                      followed by zero or more CONTINUATION frames
                                                      followed by one or more DATA frames
                                                                  last DATA END_STREAM set

                                   equivalence  HTTP/1.1 200 OK                HEADERS
                                                Content-Type: image/jpeg  ==>    - END_STREAM
                                                Content-Length: 123              + END_HEADERS
                                                                                   :status = 200
                                                {binary data}                      content-type = image/jpeg
                                                                                   content-length = 123

                                                                                 + END_STREAM
                                                                               {binary data}

                          informational response 1xx status code other than 101 is sent as HEADERS frame
                                                                                        followed by zero or more CONTINUATION frames
                          trailing HeaderFields are sent as HEADERS frame with END_STREAM set
                                                         after sending request or response HeaderBlock
                                                                       all DATA frames

                          example  100 (Continue) status code is sent for request with "100-continue" token Expect HeaderField
                                   trailing HeaderField       is sent after

                                   equivalence  HTTP/1.1 100 Continue            HEADERS
                                                Extension-Field: bar        ==>    - END_STREAM
                                                                                   + END_HEADERS
                                                                                     :status = 100
                                                                                     extension-field = bar

                                                HTTP/1.1 200 OK                  HEADERS
                                                Content-Type: image/jpeg    ==>    - END_STREAM
                                                Transfer-Encoding: chunked         + END_HEADERS
                                                Trailer: Foo                         :status = 200
                                                                                     content-length = 123
                                                123                                  content-type = image/jpeg
                                                {binary data}                        trailer = Foo
                                                Foo: bar                         DATA
                                                                                   - END_STREAM
                                                                                 {binary data}

                                                                                   + END_STREAM
                                                                                   + END_HEADERS
                                                                                     foo = bar
ServerPush  used by server by sending PUSH_PROMISE

            steps  unoptimized  Client initiates request1
                                Server sends response1
                                Client sends request2
                                Server sends response2
                                Client sends request3
                                Server sends response3

                   optimized1  Client initiates request1
                               Server sends response1

                   optimized2  Client initiates request1
                               Server sends PUSH_PROMISE

                   response1 has data making Client request again
                                      for example links to images
                   optimized1 PUSH_PROMISE may stop Client from sending request2 and request3
                   optimized2 PUSH_PROMISE    stops Client from sending request2 and request3

            negotiated independently for each hop between Server and Client

            Request   is PUSH_PROMISE Frame followed by zero or more CONTINUATION Frames
                      always associated with  explicit request from client
                      sent on stream    where explicit request from client happened
                      frames are interspersed with response frames

            Response  uses stream promised by PUSH_PROMISE
                      transmits HTTP response
                      client may not requests for the promised response until promised stream has closed

                      if client does not want or
                         server takes too long to begin sending
                         then client sends RST_STREAM with StreamIdentifier = PromisedStreamID and
                                                           either CANCEL
                      if received by Client
                         then Client validates either server is authoritative
                                                      proxy is configured for corresponding request
                                               example  if server has certificate "" DNS-ID or Common Name
                                                           then server is not permitted to respond for ""

                      if client accepts PUSH_PROMISE and
                                limits number of streams in "reserved (remote)" and
                                limit it reached
                         then client sends stream error ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM

                      stream begins with HEADERS        changing stream into "half-closed (remote)" for server
                                                                             "half-closed (local)"  for client
                             ends   with END_STREAM set changing stream into "closed"

                      client never sends frame with END_STREAM set

                      if is cacheable  and               RFC7234 Section 3
                         client implements HTTP cache
                         then client may store response

                      if "no-cache" cache response directive is present and
                         response stream PromisedStreamID is still open
                         then response is successfully validated on Server

                      if not cacheable then HTTP cache does not store response
                                            may be made available to application separately

                      if received by intermediary
                         then intermediary chosses independently of actions taken by server
                                                   to forward it or not      to client
                                                   to make additional pushes to client
                      if server receives then connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

                      Cacheability  is possible
                                    depends on Cache-Control HeaderField
                                    has issues if single server hosts multiple clients
                                               example  server offers parts of URI space
                                                                      to multiple users
                                    if clients have no authority over representations of resources
                                       then clients cant push representations of resources
                                    not used if server is not authoritative

CONNECT  in HTTP/1.x  RFC7231 Section 4.3.6
                      converts connection into tunnel to remote host
                      used with HTTP proxies to establish TLS session with origin server
                           to interact with "https" resources

         in HTTP/2    establishes tunnel over one stream to remote host
                      ":method"    = "CONNECT"
                      ":scheme"    omitted
                      ":path"      omitted
                      ":authority" has host and port to connect to
                                       authority-form of request-target of CONNECT requests RFC7230 Section 5.3
                      if not following definition then treat as malformed

         proxy  steps  establishes TCP connection with server in ":authority"
                       sends client HEADERS with 2xx series status code  RFC7231 Section 4.3.6
                       each peer sends initial HEADERS
                       all subsecuent DATA frames correspond to data sent on TCP

                transmits client Payload DATA to TCP server
                assembles server TCP data into DATA for client
                if receives DATA with END_STREAM set
                   then proxy sends last TCP segment with FIN set
                if receives TCP segment with FIN set
                   then proxy sends DATA frame with END_STREAM set
                if receives Frames other than DATA
                   then sends stream error RST_STREAM
                if detects TCP connection error or
                   receives TCP segment with RST set
                   then sends stream error CONNECT_ERROR
                if detects HTTP/2 stream or connection error
                   then sends TCP segment with RST set
                if close stream of peer
                   then TCP connection may remain in TIME_WAIT state
                                           maintain resources
                does not rely only on SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS to limit resources consumed

         may be abused to create disproportionate load on proxy
         peer stream creation is less expensive than proxy TCP connection creation and maintenance

         if client receives END_STREAM set
            then client sends DATA with END_STREAM set
         DATA frame with END_STREAM set is equivalent to TCP FIN bit
         final TCP segment may be empty
         final DATA frame  may be empty
         TCP connection may be closed by either peer
         TCP connection error is signaled with RST_STREAM

Connection  is persistent
            Servers may maintain open for as long as possible
                        terminate if idle
            clients may open multiple to same IP and port
                                      using different SNI
                                      to provide different TLS client certificates
                        avoid multiple with same configuration
                        avoid multiple to same host and port pair
                                               derived from URI               or
                                                            configured proxy  or
                                                            alternative service RFC7838

                        not close until no further communication necessary
                                        user navigates away from web page
                                        server closes connection
                        replace Connection near exhaustion of streamidentifier
                                Connection with errors
                                to refresh TLS key

            may have multiple concurrently open Streams
                     either endpoint interleaving Frames from multiple Streams

            has HeaderCompression   context
                HeaderDeCompression context
            if HeaderDeCompression error then send connection error COMPRESSION_ERROR

            Reuse  if requests have multiple different URI authority components
                   if origin server is authoritative
                   if IP addresses resolve to same host in URI and using TCP without TLS
                   if host in URI has valid certificate        and using TCP with    TLS
                   if origin server certificate has multiple "subjectAltName" or names with wildcards
                                                             one of which is valid for authority in URI
                   example  server has certificate with "subjectAltName" of "*"
                                   may Reuse Connection for requests to "" and
                   for multiple origin servers requests may go to wrong origin server
                   example  if middlebox uses SNI extension to select origin server and
                                         does TLS termination
                               then clients may send confidential data to wrong server even when server is authoritative
                   if not wanted by server and
                      server receives request
                      then server sends 421 (Misdirected Request) status code
                   for all client requests sent via proxy

421 (Misdirected Request) Status Code

   indicates that request to server has no response
   may be sent by server not configured to respond to request with specific scheme and authority in URI
   is not generated by proxies
   cacheable by default
             may be disabled by method definition or
                                explicit cache controls RFC7234 Section 4.2.2
   if client sends request and
             receives 421 Status Code
      then client may retry request on different connection

usingTLS  may follow general guidance RFC7525
          version >= 1.2
          support SNI
          clients indicate target domain name
          disable TLS 1.2 compression
          disable TLS 1.2 renegotiation
          if server wants to change to other protocol that supports renegotiation
             then server sends error HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED

          support key size >=  224bit for ECDHE  else send connection error INADEQUATE_SECURITY
                           >= 2048bit for DHE    else send connection error INADEQUATE_SECURITY
                           <= 4096bit for DHE    for client

          support TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 with P-256
          endpoint may      do connection error INADEQUATE_SECURITY  if ciphersuite     in BlackList is negotiated
          endpoint must not do connection error INADEQUATE_SECURITY  if ciphersuite not in BlackList is negotiated
          if client supports HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2
             then client may advertise ciphersuites in BlackList
          BlackList  RFC7540 Appendix A
          if attacker can control confidential data transported over TLS
             then do not compress confidential data
          if separate compression dictionaries are not used for each source of confidential data
             then do not compressed confidential data

ServerAuthority  determine if server is authoritative of response
                 uses definition in RFC7230 Section 9.1
                      local name resolution                           for "http"  URI scheme
                      authenticated server identity RFC2818 Section 3 for "https" scheme

Extensions  are within the scope of one HTTP/2 connection
            applies to protocol elements defined here
            does not affect existing options for extending HTTP
            may use new Frame Type          or
                    new SETTINGS Parameter  or
                    new ErrorCode
                    without prior arrangement or negotiation

            implementations ignore unknown or unsupported values in all extensible protocol elements
                            discard frames with unknown or unsupported types

            if Extension Frames appear in middle of HeaderBlock
               then send connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR

            if Extension changes semantics of existing protocol components
               then negotiate Extension before use

            for negotiating use of Extension there is no specific method
                                             SETTINGS Parameter may be used
                                                                defaults to disabled

CrossProtocolAttack  attacker makes client start transaction in one protocol toward server using different protocol
                                    transaction valid in second protocol
                     avoided by using TLS handshake with ALPN identifier
                     may happen if not using TLS and
                                   server ignores parts of HTTP/1.1 request with Upgrade header
                                                                                 client connection preface

IntermediaryEncapsulationAttack  if carriage return  CR  ASCII 0xd  or
                                    line feed        LF  ASCII 0xa  or
                                    zero character   NUL ASCII 0x0  are translated verbatim
                                    then attacker may exploit them

                                 if request or response has invalid HeaderField name
                                    then treat as malformed
                                         intermediary does no translation from HTTP/2 to HTTP/1.1

                                 if request or response has invalid character in HeaderField value
                                    then treat as malformed

                                 valid characters are defined by "field-content" ABNF rule RFC7230 Section 3.2

Privacy  observer may locate enpoint using PING response latency
                      fingerprinting endpoints
                      correlate actions of endpoints over time
                                handling of settings values
                                FlowControl managment
                                priorities allocation to streams
                                timing of reactions
                                reusing connections for different origins